Ch17. Second Date (part 1)

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It was Friday night and almost 36 hours since she last saw Jisoo. She thought she would see her somehow in classes but strangely they did not even cross paths during lunch for the past 2 days. With Lisa's snoring in the background, Jennie had completed her assignments and started packing her papers and pens quietly away to get ready for bed.

Drumming her fingers lightly on the desk, she glanced at her phone and contemplated. Should I drop her a friendly text, you know, in case she has fallen ill? And, as a good friend, I can update her on homework? Although they had each other's numbers, they had never texted or called, and it made Jennie nervous at the thought of initiating contact with Jisoo. A couple of minutes passed before Jennie reached for her phone and swiped at the screen.

Just then, her message tone rang loudly, scaring Jennie half to death as she hastily switched the device to silent mode and observed the sleeping figure across the room. Still snoring. Phew! Exhaling deeply, she turned her attention back to her phone. The screen illuminated with a few notifications, and at the top was Jisoo's name with a preview of the message received: "Miss me? ;)"

A big wide smile spread across Jennie's face and she softly climbed on to her bed and leant against the wall, before tapping on her screen, "Who are you?"

Buzz. "Gasp! I'm hurt! :("

Giggling softly, Jennie typed, "Hi hurt. What can I do for you?"

Buzz. "Be the remedy for my hurting heart. </3"

Jennie rolled her eyes and sent, "And how exactly shall I do that?"

Buzz. "Let me take you on a second date. Tomorrow?"

Squealing into her pillow before she knew it, Jennie caught herself and slapped her warm cheeks lightly to stop her idiocy. She bit her bottom lip as she typed a reply, "Hmm, pick me up at noon at Y Dance Academy, okay?"

Buzz. "More than okay. I'd go to the ends of the world for you. <3"

Jennie placed the phone on her bedside table and plonked her head on to the pillow, grinning uncontrollably.

She's asking for a second date... And she didn't, umm... you know, take advantage of me when I was dead drunk the other night. Maybe Jisoo isn't a snob or a flirt. Maybe she is a reformed pigeon after all, and this isn't a game to her.

Maybe Jisoo is really worth a shot...

Trying her best to contain her bubbling excitement, Jennie fell asleep with a smile dancing softly on her lips, thinking about the only person who could make her heart race and her face blush and her right brain triumph.


Being fifteen minutes early, Jisoo was in tight black jeans and a light turquoise long-sleeved pullover that wrapped her torso snugly with a wide collar, her silk blazer draped over an arm, waiting in the spacious lobby of the prestigious dance academy, well-known for its quality instructors, exorbitant fees and rich students. I thought she was cautious about spending.

Just then, her phone buzzed repeatedly. Hitting the green button, she picked up the call, "Hey Dad, everything okay?"

"Jisoo ya, all's good here, what about things on your side?" Hearing her dad made her miss home.

She pursed her lips, thinking, before she answered, "Good here too. Rosé and I are working on two prime targets. Estimated time to close, 2 weeks."

"Hmm, can you do it in 10 days? Other firms may beat us to it if we take too long," Her dad sounded worried, making Jisoo pinch between her eyebrows as she shut her eyes tight. She never disappointed and she was not planning to make an exception.

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