Ch40. Which One Now?

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"Whose hearts?" A talking head popped between their seats and Jisoo and Rosé screamed and the car veered off lane into the way of an oncoming honking truck, and the three of them screamed some more while Rosé scrambled to narrowly escape the head-on collision with the truck whooshing by angrily mere inches away.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Holy shit!"

"Oh my god!"

Jisoo clenched the front of her dress, Rosé trembled in shock, and Lisa gasped for breath like in a heart attack.

"What's going on?" Jennie's voice followed, slurry and laced with sleep, making Jisoo swoon on the inside and want to pat those cute dumpling cheeks and kiss between those drowsy cat-like eyes that the brunette was currently rubbing so adorably like a kitten.

Jisoo found herself smiling stupidly at the oblivious brunette, "Nothing to worry about, Jennie. Your best friend simply tried to kill us all."

"Hey! All I did was ask one innocent question!" Lisa whined.

"Creepily out of nowhere!" Rosé was still huffing from her mouth to calm her nerves.

"I wasn't being creepy! Both of you overreacted!" Lisa countered defensively, then narrowed her eyes at the girls seated in front, "Actually... come to think about it, you both are acting weird, talking about hearts and Jennie and then suddenly getting all shaken up. Something's fishy." Her bias towards acting out the bad cop was clearly surfacing as she stroked her chin.

"Oh, what about me were you two talking about?" Jennie let out an amused chuckle mixed with a tinge of shyness, and she leant forward in anticipation.

Exchanging glances with her fellow agent, Jisoo could almost hear their simultaneous gulps in the silence with only the low hum of the engine and the air-conditioning.

"Ah well," Jisoo dragged her words then clucked her tongue nervously, tilting her head sideways as her brain formulated a dozen possible responses, "Rosé and I, we were just, you know, talking about your love for your mother, how you always have her in your heart and cover her shifts like last night. But umm," she scratched her head sheepishly, "I know you don't like talking about your private life so we got really jumpy when Lisa abruptly spoke up, felt like we're caught red-handed or something."

She was not exactly lying, was she?

"Sorry," Jisoo added tentatively, although she was not sure what she was apologizing for.

Smile widening and radiating with warmth, Jennie patted the side of Jisoo's face and laughed, "Silly, there's nothing to be sorry about."

And Jisoo could not stop herself from leaning into the soothing touch that was gone too soon. "Thanks," she gave a sincere smile that was not enough to drown out the guilt pooling in her own heart.

Lisa swooned aloud, "Aww, you silly love birds." It caused the raven and brunette to clear their throats awkwardly and look away from each other.

"So, where does your mother live, Jennie? Maybe you wanna visit her along the way?" Rosé cleverly rode on the wave of Jisoo's answer and the raven threw her a quick glance of impressed approval. They already knew where her mother stayed but of course Jennie did not know that. Neither did the brunette know her mother could be in danger.

"Just a few miles from here actually," straightening her back and beaming with clear excitement, Jennie nonetheless remembered her manners, "but it's really okay, I'll be visiting her next weekend anyway."

"No, it's no trouble at all, in fact it's perfectly on the way with good traffic!" Jisoo gestured towards the empty open roads, before supplementing, "And it's Saturday, no school. May as well make it this weekend, right ladies?" She looked to Rosé and Lisa for support which thankfully was given in eager nods.

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