Ch42. Clarity

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Jennie did not understand why they had to scramble into the car when the police would arrive any minute. And besides, the five crooks were still unconscious. So, there was not any imminent danger now, was there?

Nevertheless, Jennie obediently huddled into the car, like sheep out of disorientation and fear. In a frenzy, the three girls took their positions in the car like before, with Rosé in the driver seat and Dara flanked between Lisa and Jennie in the back, all waiting for Jisoo to hop on the passenger side.

It did not take long for the raven to be back, urgently climbing in and inadvertently slamming the door shut before instructing Rosé to drive, which apparently meant flooring the accelerator.

"Jisoo! The police are gonna be here any time now! Why are we leaving?" The confusion in Lisa's tone matched Jennie's exact thoughts, as they automatically fumbled with clicking the seatbelt in place around the brunette's mother who had not woken.

When Jisoo continued to catch her breath without acknowledging the question, Jennie felt her puzzlement turn into irritation as quickly as they were speeding away from her home.

"Jisoo, stop the car! We need to stay for the police and the ambulance!" The brunette was convinced her mother would get treatment faster if the raven would only listen, but it was silence again in response.

Jennie was so close to jumping out or doing something stupid just to stop the damn vehicle, "Yah! Kim Jisoo! Look at me!"

"It's just," Jisoo's voice was abrupt and harsh, and it seemed she realized the outburst because she then screwed her eyes tight, like she was thinking extremely hard or suffering from a pounding headache. There was a short, tense pause in the air. Rosé spared a quick glance at Jisoo before visibly gulping, while Lisa quietly alternated her worried eyes between the brunette and the raven. Jennie just stared at Jisoo.

Then, Jisoo took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled, turning down the volume, "We don't know who called the police, alright?" She blinked her eyes open tiredly.

"It's okay, Jisoo, it doesn't matter who called," Jennie sighed softly and leant forward, a little guilty for practically screaming earlier.

"It does, Jen," looking out the window, Jisoo was so soft Jennie almost missed the next part. "I'm not going to let you be her pawn."


"Anyway, Rosé, keep driving. To the hospital."

Jennie really did not like to be either ignored or interrupted, or worse, interrupted and then ignored. "No, Kim Jisoo, explain! Why the hell are we fleeing the scene when we're innocent?!"

"I think we're in danger," Jisoo looked straight ahead. She had not met Jennie's eyes since they sped off, while Jennie had no qualms staring at the raven with all the befuddlement swimming in her eyes.

"All the more we should be with the cops!" Jennie's reply was louder than she would like, but she could not help the exasperation – she was getting answers that were useless in clearing her head.

Pinching her nose bridge, Jisoo closed her eyes and shook her head, "It's the kind of danger that... that the police may not be able to help defuse in time. Like a trap, or some sort of, I don't know, elaborately sick ploy."

"What?" Jennie frowned agitatedly. "They're trained to nab these people! Who else?! And they were so close, Jisoo, we could already hear them!"

"What if it's not them, huh?! Did you think about that?!" Jisoo explosively spun around and the volume, the tone, the fiery gaze, they were everything Jennie was not used to receiving from the girl she thought she more than knew.

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