Ch30. The Power of Instincts

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When Rosé returned to the ward with two cups of piping hot coffee, Jennie had been next to Jisoo humming a soft soothing lullaby, brushing her hair, fixing her gown and blanket, gently patting her face and neck and limbs with one of the provided towels, making sure the raven was warm and comfortable and basically cooing over Jisoo like she was her baby.

Jennie ached for Jisoo to wake up and make witty flirty comments and flash that annoying smirk she was so used to. The Jisoo she knew was strong and would find humour even in dark situations, so Jennie tried her best to stop crying and instead focused on getting Jisoo up and running like before.

"It's unfair how you can still look so beautiful," Jennie rolled her eyes at Jisoo as if the girl could see, before she jumped back slightly when she heard Rosé chuckle, "I second that. It's like she's got the best possible genes. Here, your coffee."

Jennie felt her cheeks warm at being caught in her embarrassing monologue, and she cleared her throat awkwardly as she took one of the cups from Rosé. "Thanks," she smiled and sat down in the plastic chair next to the bed. Returning a grin, Rosé acknowledged with a short nod and blew on her coffee while standing by the foot of the bed.

They tasted their beverages in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Sipping on her coffee, Jennie found a few questions bubbling from her left brain, now that her right brain had somewhat subsided from its emotional state. She glanced at Rosé, who was mindlessly stirring her drink, and broke the silence carefully, "How did you find Jisoo?"

"Hmm? Oh," Rosé jerked her head up and raised her brows. "Umm, we're supposed to kind of, catch up at her place," Rosé stepped towards the edge of the bed and sat slowly down facing Jennie, patting Jisoo's shin gently and dragging out the pause, "but she didn't contact me even after midnight and she missed all my calls, so I got worried and, you know, went around the restaurant where she told me she would bring you."

There was a difficult pause as Jennie blinked away and struggled to keep her emotions in check. "I cannot imagine what would have happened if it weren't for you, Rosé, thank you for finding her," Jennie rasped, and Rosé hummed and patted her shoulder. Going for a change in topic, Jennie cleared her throat and tried to sound light as she voiced her curiosity about the frequency at which Jisoo and Rosé seemed to be meeting, "You both seem pretty close."

Chuckling, Rosé swiped her bottom lip with her tongue, a little uneasily, "Ah yeah, soccer, really." She took a sip from her coffee. "Our coach likes to pair us as forwards, and there's this upcoming match against our arch nemesis so, well, we've kind of been training and strategizing a lot together." She shrugged, before widening her eyes like an idea had hit her, "It's the next Friday actually, come watch? I'm sure Jisoo here will work doubly hard with you eyeing her from the stands."

"I'll love to," Jennie chuckled and blushed, but in the next moment her heart sank at the silent question heavy in the air as to whether Jisoo would wake up by morning or slip into an indefinite coma. It must have surfaced in Rosé's mind as well because the girl had turned her eyes to the floor and was now fidgeting with the cup in her hands.

The unsettling tension dissipated as quickly as it came though, when an abrupt snore loudly erupted from Lisa, and they both giggled as silently as they could into their hands, till their faces were red from suffocating laughter.

Fanning her face, Jennie choked out remnants of small laughter and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, "Gosh, Rosé, quite a catch there you've got."

"Yep, nothing but the best," Rosé wheezed and sighed as she shook her head and grinned like a love-struck teenager at the sleeping Lisa. Picking up the girl's expression, Jennie could not help but ask, "You really love her, don't you?"

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