Ch21. Dinner on the Cliff

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"Is everything okay?" Jennie's voice was full of concern.

"Yeah it's just uh, missed calls," Jisoo flashed a grin and wiggled her phone.

Jennie returned a smile and cocked her head towards the grass, "Go ahead, I'll handle this." She patted the rental counter top and the surfboard reassuringly.

"Thank you, sweetie," Jisoo ruffled Jennie's hair and walked briskly away, her phone already dialing Rosé's number.

After half a ring, Rosé's voice came through, urgent and anxious and whisper-shouting, "Where the hell are you?!"

Sighing heavily, Jisoo screwed her eyes shut and tried her best not to scold, "I'm at the beach with Jennie, surfing. And why didn't you pick up your damn phone when I called?"

"I was...," there was a pause, and Jisoo assumed Rosé was busy checking her surroundings, then she sounded muffled and breathy like she was cupping the mouthpiece, "in the middle of something... with Lisa."

Opening her eyes tiredly, Jisoo exhaled, "Please tell me it's not what I think it is."

When the 'ummm' from the other end dragged on for ten full seconds, Jisoo interrupted, pinching her nose bridge, "Ohhkay, moving on. What have you got on Joohee?"

"Oh, right, it's why I called you so many times. So, I got some stuff and confirmed with intel – clean background, popular, openly bisexual, surprisingly not too shabby grades. And rich, because it turns out her secret dad is our freaking client, which makes her Miss J's half-sister. Thank goodness she's not a hyena, phew!"

Widening her eyes, Jisoo frowned, a little relieved but a lot confused, "What? Secret sister? So, she's not a hyena? But, why would she go around asking about the mark? She actually asked Jennie before, can you believe it?"

"Well maybe their entire family is mobilized to find Miss J? They're anxious to be reunited? Besides, Joohee and Jennie do look alike."

Jisoo leant against a palm tree and rested her head back, relaxing slightly, "I guess you're right, she can't be a hyena, her straightforward way of asking so bluntly would have blown her cover a long time ago. I don't know though, something still feels off..." She recalled Jiyong being extremely hush-hush about the mission, could he really have told his family about Miss J already?

Watching Jennie walk slowly across the sand towards her, Jisoo smiled subconsciously, "But I can't complain, I'd pick sister over hyena any day. Gotta go, thanks Chaeng, talk to you later."

She heard Rosé snigger knowingly, "Enjoy your beach and bitch! I'm going to continue having..."

"Bye!" Jisoo hurriedly hung up before she received unwanted details from her best friend who could be quite crude at times. She sighed – there was a nagging thought at the back of her mind concerning Joohee but she quickly squashed it for now. At least she's not a hyena.

Jennie was still a distance away, and when she caught Jisoo watching her from the palm tree, she beamed her gummy grin and waved her arm cheerfully, drawing semicircles in the air. Jisoo raised her hand in acknowledgment, and she could not understand why but the sight of the brunette made her heart swell with adoration and her smile widened into a big toothy grin. Maybe it was because of the kiss, fresh and lingering in her memory, and Jisoo felt a heated joy just thinking about it.

When Jennie reached her side, Jisoo slid her hand into Jennie's without thinking and let their fingers interlock loosely. It came so naturally to her Jisoo did not realize the shy smile and the pink tinge coating Jennie's face, as they strolled side by side up the street, decked in their drenched clothes that were no longer dripping wet but still nowhere near dry.

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