Ch13. Dance-off

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Jisoo thought Jennie was different tonight. As she stared at the back of the brunette leading her through the intoxicated crowd, she struggled to pin-point the exact difference. Is she more... provocative? Daring? Carefree, maybe? Or plain nervous?

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, or maybe the sleep deprivation from a late night, or the loud music in this darkness, or the freeform dancing with wild abandon. Jisoo was not certain, but it did not matter, because she figured she enjoyed knowing this side of the brunette. No, scrap that, she actually craved to know Jennie's every single side, not just this.

It's just to find Miss J, that's all, Jisoo convinced herself.

Jennie stopped somewhere on the dance floor and pulled Jisoo in front of her, both of them easily fusing with the music. The DJ tonight was on fire, getting everyone going and lost in the music like any good DJ should.

Lisa's jam, 'Swalla', was on right now and Jisoo instantly recognized the dancing duo beside her. With an arm out and the other in her hair, Lisa was leaning against Rosé whose hands were on Lisa's waist as they jerked their hips from side to side, perfectly on beat with the cymbals. One look at them was enough to tell they stood out from the crowd, and neighbouring dancers were starting to watch.

Grooving softly along with Jennie so as not to steal the limelight (yet), Jisoo observed how people were already sneaking glances at Lisa and Rosé while some had fully turned around to face them and dance along. A small circle was starting to form around them. That was the kind of effect these remarkable dancers had on onlookers once they possessed the dance floor, and Jennie was full-on rooting for them, beaming with pride as she loosened up and rocked along.

By the time the song change rolled about, the circle had expanded and anyone Jisoo could see was cheering and hollering for the dancing duo, who had put up such a damn hot show and were outright kissing now at centerstage, earning more hoots from the crowd. Slinging an arm over Jennie's shoulder, Jisoo whistled and laughed along with the girl.

As the crowd slowly dispersed back to their own dancing, the four girls huddled together and danced casually in a tight circle.

"That was so fucking hot! Woohoo!" Jennie shouted gleefully over the thumping bass; her bursting joy and exhilaration were written in the ways she laughed so excitedly and could not stop moving, smoothly mimicking moves the pair pulled off just now. Watching the girl hug and spin around Lisa and Rosé, Jisoo thought this moment was precious and she etched this uninhibited side of Jennie into her mind.

Lisa and Rosé chuckled, panting hard as they tried to regain their breaths while moving loosely to the music. "Awww, thanks capt!" Lisa beamed and lifted Jennie up in a strong hug, making Jennie shriek and squirm, before releasing her.

"Try to beat that," Rosé let out an evil laugh and winked teasingly at Jisoo, who barely opened her mouth when Jennie moon-walked between them then leant against Jisoo, clinging on to her arm and wagging her finger at Rosé, "We don't have to try, honey. We know we will." Jisoo smiled down at Jennie – she did not know how tipsy Jennie was, but the girl definitely made for an adorable drunk koala if she was.

"Hey!" Lisa hugged Rosé's waist possessively, "Only I get to call her honey. Right, honey?"

In the midst of that, the music transitioned to the remix of one of Jennie's favourite hits, 'Kiss and Make Up', causing Jennie to gasp and scream, "This is it!"

Immediately, she positioned a hand on Jisoo's shoulder, pressing the front of her body against her dance partner, and whispered into her ear, "Here we go, girl."

And there she went, swaying her hips in sync with the throbbing music, bending her knees as she glided her body down Jisoo's, her hand sliding from the shoulder, in between the breasts, past the navel and down a thigh of the girl. In just one night, Jisoo had watched Jennie transform from a level-headed thinker into a daring drinker and now into a sensuous, taunting dancer. And Jisoo was utterly and thoroughly bewitched.

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