Ch41. Ambush

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Jisoo shot to her feet and wrestled with the front door before bursting out onto the common corridor, craning her torso over the ledge to hurriedly scan the road below.

She spotted Rosé sprawled facedown on the road, but only for a moment, before the girl pushed herself off the ground to send a kick to a man's masked face. Lisa stood close behind waving a lug wrench as fiercely as she could in front of her, in an attempt to fend off another masked man who was approaching with baseball bats and gradually cornering the girls to the side of the car, which was still jacked up in the midst of tyre replacement.

Jisoo gritted her teeth at the sight, her hands moved to her phone and her legs moved to the stairs by reflex. It was a no-brainer: she would rush downstairs to her friends' aid while phoning the cops and the ambulance, and Jennie would simultaneously continue critical resuscitation until help arrived. All damsels in distress would then be saved.

It was an easy problem for Jisoo to solve, if not for a sharp pain across her back that was so forceful it flung her ribs to the ledge and the phone flew out of her hands towards the first floor, now either broken or out of range for Bluetooth, thus cutting off the communication channel she had with Rosé. Bent over the ledge, her lungs felt crushed and she choked hard for breath; the wind had been literally knocked out of her.

In that moment, she sensed trouble loved company.

"Shit!" Cursing under her breath, Jisoo whipped her head around to see indeed another masked man about to smash a metal bat down towards her face, and she immediately dived to her left just in time to escape the hit.

The bat clanked emptily against the ledge but this did not deter the attacker as he tried another swing towards the floor where Jisoo had landed on her back; however, the raven was quicker in a kip-up where she had sprung off her hands and flipped up to her feet before kicking him precisely in the neck with her stiletto heel, causing him to release his bat and stagger backwards in wheezing pain.

Jisoo took this chance to dart to the ledge to quickly check in on her friends below. Rosé looked to be wounded in the head as blood trickled down her forehead but the good news was that only one out of the two men was left standing. Guarding a squatting Lisa who was frantically finishing the tyre replacement, Rosé glanced up and gave Jisoo an okay sign before dodging a swing from the man.

Just then, two other masked men had noisily dashed up the stairs as what Jisoo assumed was back-up for their fellow assassin, but instead of aiming for the raven, they did something worse by barging through the open door into Jennie's apartment and triggering a shocked cry for help from Jennie.

"Jisoo! Help!"

And Jisoo instantly saw red.

She raced towards the door, along the way picking up the bat and striking her coughing attacker in the chin where she was sure would knock him out cold. Skidding to a halt at the doorway, she spotted Jennie backing up against the kitchen counter in panic, gripping a knife with two shaky hands and pointing it fearfully at the invaders, who snickered as they toyed with their metal bats like teasing predators.


The assassins snapped their heads towards Jisoo and one nodded to the other who then raised his bat and strode leisurely towards the raven. He was clearly underestimating the lady in a black dress and stilettos, but Jisoo could care less because her eyes were burning holes into the other guy who was gripping Jennie's hands and peeling the knife out of them. And now he was lifting his mask halfway and sneering and puckering his lips, trying to force a kiss from the brunette who shrieked and slapped him hard across the face.

A chuckle sounded. "Maybe I should do the same to you," the oncoming scrawny chap sniggered as he looked Jisoo up and down, but she was not listening. She wrapped her fingers tighter around the baseball bat in hand, waiting. Then there it was – the other man cracked his neck and raised his hand, about to return Jennie the favour.

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