Ch18. Second Date (part 2)

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Jennie unclipped her seatbelt and was about to open the car door when she felt Jisoo squeeze her other hand and say, "Just a moment, impatient cutie, you're on the side of traffic," making Jennie blush slightly.

Before Jennie could ask what was wrong with that, Jisoo had exited the car and stepped out on to the curb then jogged over to her side, carefully checking the traffic left and right before swinging the passenger door open and showing Jennie an open palm. Chuckling as she held the open palm and got out of the car, Jennie rolled her eyes, "I'm not a baby, you know. I can open the door without ramming into oncoming cars or bikes."

Closing the door and locking her car, Jisoo resumed looking out for vehicles left and right then grasped Jennie's hand a little tighter, "But you are my baby now."

Jennie was sure her cheeks were flushed pink now but Jisoo was too focused on the vehicles whizzing by to notice, so she bravely let her eyes linger on Jisoo's side profile a little while longer, before she felt the firm grasp tug at her hand and led her to cross the road. Only after they had safely crossed the road did Jennie realize she did not even bother turning her head once to look out for traffic; she simply stuck close to Jisoo's back and followed the hand in hers with complete trust.

It bewildered Jennie just how much she was willing to let Jisoo in, like how she had allowed Jisoo to advance from guiding her by the elbow to leading her by the hand, or how she had shared her adoption story with Jisoo when it took more than a year of being best friends with Lisa to tell her.

There was something about Jisoo that made Jennie agree to her so readily, trust her so irrationally, and follow her so blindly. And the most puzzling thing was, Jennie did not mind it one bit.

Hand in hand, they walked up to an unassuming little café made of red bricks and glass windows that welcomed the sunlight. Jisoo pressed the button on the glass door and it slid open, revealing a clean, ice grey minimalistic interior with light bulbs dangling artistically from the ceiling, as Jennie felt the air-conditioning envelope her body and she subconsciously pulled the blazer lapels closer with her free hand.

Suddenly, what was warmer than the blazer was Jisoo's body heat radiating from their physical contact and spreading into her heart – Jisoo had noticed Jennie's chills and had removed her hand from Jennie's, instead wrapping an arm around Jennie's shoulders to hug her closer into Jisoo's side, as they slid into a booth and sat side by side. It sent a warm tingling sensation throughout Jennie's body and she had to chew on her bottom lip to barely suppress a goofy grin.

"Have you been here? It's a pancake house," Jisoo smiled as she withdrew her arm from Jennie's shoulder to button Jennie up in her blazer, effectively trapping the girl's arms inside again like last time.

"Nope," Jennie replied with a grin as she shook her head and body to swing the empty sleeves around, before sliding her hands through them.

"Then I'll order for you, if that's okay?" Jisoo chuckled at the silly nodding girl before waving politely at a waitress and placing their orders.

They chatted about Jennie's interesting experience teaching dance to a wide variety of different students, and many of them had tried to ask her out but failed, regardless male or female, old or young. "What about you? A week old in this school, you must have a long string of suitors by now," Jennie winked as she stuffed a forkful of pancakes into her mouth and hummed, "Mmmm... these are really good."

"Take it easy – the pancakes are not going anywhere," Jisoo laughed, picked up a napkin and leant in close to gently dab away the maple syrup at the corners of Jennie's mouth, making Jennie freeze with her round pancake-filled cheeks blushing a shade of pink.

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