"What's so funny?" she asked smiling down at his soft brown eyes that never seemed lose the gleam.  Whenever she was near, his eyes shone as bright as the sun.

"I was just thinking.  Of the one hundred chambers, only twenty were demolished and seeing as we have utilized three others, that leaves seventy seven chambers we have yet to utilize and I did say...." he held up his hand to stop her seeing as she was about to immediately argue......  "one hundred rooms Qian Qian." he finished with a sly smirk on his face before quickly snatching at her wriggling body that was now trying to run away.

"Ye Hua....." she squealed in horror.  Her body was well and truly exhausted and making love seventy seven times while pregnant was out of the question.

" You can demolish them one a day for seventy seven days." he grinned at her before suddenly sweeping her up into his arms and if she wasn't  horrified at the fact that he was dead serious, she may have taken a few moments to admire the way he literally went from lying down to storming her through the grove and into the corridors with her tightly wrapped up in his arms.

And all the while, she couldn't help but wonder if Ye Hua was trying to make up for twenty five thousand years of absence, because rather than what she considered a normal active sex life that they'd had on that island, he now seemed insatiable and needy of her body at any given hour of the day or night.  Even when they had to officiate over official busness, she could literally feel his eyes stripping her of her robes which always made her blush heavily.

Unfotunately, that merely earned her the nickname of the Blsuhing Empress, though of course no one would have dared say that to her face.  But she knew that Ye Hua was doing it on purpose to make her blush which always ended up with her back on the wall because he just couldn't get enough of that innocent side of her, that part of her that he fell in love with.

Now in yet another chamber, which unknown to her, had been set up ready to use by his own maids which they were to keep maintained and ready for use at any given moment, Ye Hua quickly set about lying her down.

Being pregnant meant he needed to be careful with her and though she also loved the wall, it was becoming too painful for her.  Instead he slowly and languidly made love to her in the bed.

HIs kisses were always warm and sensuous and this time was no different,  so whatever fight she was ready to put up, quickly died when his lips gently slid across the full length of her mouth before his tongue quickly took over.

She had been kept naked all day and it seemed as if she was to remain naked through the night as he loved her body all over again.  In fact, being pregnant only increased his desire for her.  Her breasts were fuller, her skin glowed brighter, her scent was more fragrant and her breath sweeter and as his mouth trailed away to seek a little more of her fragrant flesh, both of them once again lost themselves to their memories of a distant land, with a beach covered in gemstones and a little cabin filled with the sounds of a roaring fire, laughter and the echoes of their love ringing in their ears.

They would never find that island again.  When Ye Hua had been forced back to Mount Junji, the connection was forever lost the moment they returned, because Ci Hang had collapsed the connecting energy strands which barely gave them the chance to return having also collapsed on their return.  And though Ye Hua had tried to find the island again, it was gone and after a lot of searching, he came to one reason only.

Mo Yuans soul piece was the only reason why fate had allowed him to find that world.  He knew that now.  Fate would never have allowed him to live there permanently, because for one, he didn't belong there and secondly, because he was the Crown Prince of his own world, a destiny that he had agreed to fulfil and one that fate would forever hold him to no matter where he ran.

But there was another reason and that reason was in his arms making love to him all over again.  Whether she was Su Su, Si Yin or Bai Qian, her destiny was to rule alongside him as his Empress, the mother of the next Crown Prince and the mother of the nation.

For Ye Hua, what they had gone through, was a mere step towards an eternal happy ever after, because not only did she eventually give him a daughter but their love story which had been made public from the very beginning spawned plays, songs and poetry that were recited and sung in every music hall in every realm as the greatest love story ever to be fought for and won.

The end.


Sigh...... SIGH....... S...I...G....H..... omg, This had been one hell of a journey, and I finally finished it yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... lol.

I do hope you enjoyed it and seeing as I am now wrapping up Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and moving onto my own original which I cant wait to begin tackling, I will take a little break, before releasing my final story for this amazing drama series which will always be my number one favourite of all time.

Thanks for sharing this journey with me, and if you run out of things to read, please consider reading my original book - My Midnight Luna -a werewolf saga (though I might rename it later... Im not sure)

Go gently in the world folks.... and hugs and loves to all

Mooses (Suzie)

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