Lian Song Speaks

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It was three long and exhausting days before Di Jun and Ci Hang returned and though they all remained where they were, not one of them was looking forward to what he would have to say, and none more than Lian Song.

Initially when he had awoken, it had taken him several minutes to acclimatize himself as to where he was exactly. No one had been in the chamber with him, and the unfamiliar bed and surroundings initially had him thinking he had gotten himself well and truly drunk and had found himself a bed mate for the night. After all, being in the Mortal Realm, he would of course think that, because it was the only reason why he ever visited that place.

Only the moment he had tried to sit up, then the throbbing ache of his head, saw him reach up to touch a wound that was now bandaged. Only then, did the memory of what had transpired come back to him in an instant. Cheng Yu, Ye Hua, his father, and the trouble he was now in.

"Cheng Yu...!" he called out weakly being unable to lift his head for more than a minute.

Calling several more times until he could raise his voice past a whisper, he eventually heard the sound of soft footsteps drawing closer, steps that did not belong to Cheng Yu. They were far too light and almost shy in their approach, and the moment she entered he understood why. Staring at the Mortal woman as she passed silently through the door, his eyes narrowed in on her while needing no introductions. She could only be one Mortal, one that he could not help but agree with Ye Hua, in that she was indeed very beautiful.

In fact, had he not known she belonged to that boy, he would definitely have taken her for a bed mate, she had the exact kind of looks that he liked, and though her chest was not as big as Cheng Yus, he could see that she had more than enough to keep a man happy.

Only she wasn't his bed mate. She was Ye Huas wife, and one that had placed them all into a whole heap of trouble. He didn't care too much bout the details, only that Ye Hua had completely lost his mind over this woman, and though very beautiful, no woman should ever see a man give up his entire world including his family and rank just for a woman. Or that was how he used to think, he thought to himself as Cheng Yu came to mind.

Staring at him as every thought and emotion passed through the mans mind, Su Su wasn't sure what to make of the way he was looking at her. If anything, she was not liking it, but being family to Ye Hua and in no position to create angst between herself and him, she stood silently staring at him and hoping he would speak. If he spoke, then she could do something other than standing there looking foolish, which was how she felt.

Holding a baby and looking worried, she slowly edged her way closer to the bed to look at him.

It was the first time Su Su had entered that chamber, and the first time she had seen him up close, but the nearer she got, the more worried she became, because the look he was giving her, did not seem all that friendly at the moment.

"Cheng Yu and Ye Hua have gone to the Market for fresh produce. They should be back any minute now." she almost whispered which had him stretching his hearing to hear her through the fear he could feel coming off her.

He wasn't angry with her but he was curious. This was his first meeting with her too, and to suddenly be faced with the woman who had turned all of their lives upside down, and holding a baby that fully changed the dynamics of their situation, he could not help but feel a little underlying resentment which unfortunately the girl seemed to have honed in on, because she was now edging back out the door.

"Su Su. Wait." he called out while forcing himself to take a softer tone seeing as she was also Ye Huas woman, one he dared not upset. Not yet, anyway.

With her head slightly bowed, her shoulders hunched and looking like a trapped rabbit, she came to a halt to peer through her lashes at him. She wasn't frightened of him, but she was very nervous. He had suffered a head injury and Ye Hua had warned her to steer clear of his chamber if he awoke so as not to startle him and he would be very angry if he knew she had entered his chamber against his orders, because going by the way he was staring at her, he did not look all that happy to see her.

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