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Cradling his son in one hand, Ye Hua quickly leaned over his child to cut the cord before just as quickly swaddling him.  He knew Ci Hang was there, but with a baby to deliver and his wife to tend to, he did not bother to look up.

"Shut the door, the baby needs the warmth."  He said quietly before turning back to Su Su.

"Ye Hua." Ci Hang said just as softly once the door was closed, though the moment he moved towards them, a sudden rush of energy flared up around him.

Looking at the wall of energy in astonishment, Ci Hang stood motionless looking back at his own Disciple in disbelief.

"Lower this barrier." he ordered, only to have Ye Hua turn his back on him.  Su Su had yet to dispel the placenta, and until she did, he would not even acknowledge him any more than he already had.

"Su Su.  You need to push down one last time." he said gently at the soft eyes that were searching his immediate area for their son.

Remembering the placenta, something she too had read about, Su Su clung tightly to his hands as the first wave of contractions began.  This stage was still painful, but nowhere near as birthing and after several good strong pushes, the Placenta was finally free.

From his vantage point Ci Hang could only see the back of Su Sus head, but understanding now, why Ye Hua had locked him out, he waited patiently.  He was after all, a very patient man and having found the boy who looked to be well enough, he quietly observed the attention he was lavishing on the Mortal but even more, the gentleness and love he could feel pouring off him for both her and the child.  

And now that he had satisfied himself with Ye Huas well being, he moved away towards the kitchen to make a pot of tea and perhaps rustle up something to eat.  He had not eaten in days so he was pleasantly surprised to find a well stocked kitchen which had him immediately opening draws and cupboard doors for a healthy snack for the Mortal who would need nourishment.

In the main room, Ye Hua held Su Su in his arms and hugged her tightly.  She was lightly dozing and seeing as his son was happy enough to lie quietly beside him, he took the opportunity to explain the arrival of his Tutor.

"Su Su, there are things about me, that I have not told you but I will now need to explain them because they have finally caught up with us." he said softly and though her eyes were closed, he knew she was listening because her body tensed.

"The man who just arrived, is my Spiritual Teacher.  He came to find me, and perhaps send me home, so there might be a few harshly spoken words." he tried to warn her without upsetting her seeing as she had just given birth.

Looking up, Su Su said nothing.  She felt a tired and ready to sleep but having yet to even see her baby she put her arms out towards him which soon had Ye Hua picking him up to place him in her arms.  Her eyes were still tearful, but one look at her son, and her heart melted into a warm puddle of adoration and love and before they both knew it, she was crying again, only this time in happiness.

Sitting with her as she unfolded the blanket to look at his tiny little body, Ye Huas eyes too misted over as he looked at the perfect baby he had ever seen in his life, even though he had never actually seen one that close before, but still, the love and awe in his eyes had him remaining with them for a few more minutes.

He could hear Ci Hang in the kitchen and so could Su Su, and now that she had seen that her baby was well, she turned to look at him.

"You said he was your teacher, but you are afraid.  What is going on Ye Hua?" she asked in the same soft tone she always used, and though there were tears in her eyes, there was also a hint of fear, though more for him than for herself or even their child.

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