Tara x Reader (Lose Yourself) *Request*

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"That one's craaaaazy." His voice was a bit lower than before and his tongue was turning orange.

"It makes you feel all loopy and happy!" I already felt the giggles building up in my stomach, everything seemed brighter than before and more happy.

I looked around, the room was turning sparkly and the walls had a slight hint of pink to them. I let out a small chuckle and looked down to my hand.

"I get what you mean!" Mortis gave me a slight grin and nodded slowly.


We went through half of the items on the table. My eyes were going crazy and my mind was filled with memes.

The room kept changing random colors and it looked like the table had a weird face on top of it. My sides were hurting from how hard I was laughing at all of the voices Mortis kept doing. 

Frank grew long horns and and was speaking fluently in Swedish to Gene, who looked amused and just kept laughing and nodding at Franks stories.

Tara, even though she went through three joints by herself, kept he composer and sat in silence with her eyes on me. I calmed myself down and gave her a toothy grin. One of the drinks I had gave me shark-like teeth.

"You're so normal for this! Aren't you high of your mind?"

I don't know if it was the drugs but, I think I heard Tara chuckle. She reached into a small pouch she had with her and pulled out a joint that was different from the rest.

The paper was black with red engravings on the side. Mortis' face went from smiling to a slightly shocked look.

"Oh my God." His voice was now high pitched and strange. "That thing is absolute insanity! Tara makes it super special, I don't know what's in it but she only give it to the ones she likes."

I think I heard her chuckle again. She stood up and grabbed my wrist, motioning me to come with her.

I looked to Mortis and he gave me a smile while nodding. I smiled back and got up with Tara, stumbling close behind her. 

She led me upstairs into a side room with circular chairs and a fuzzy rug in the middle. The room was still changing colors and moving but that was just me.

She led me to a chair and sat me down then she went back to the door and locked it behind her. She took a seat next to me and held out the black and red roll.

I smiled and took it in my hand as she lit the end. I lifted it to my lips and breathed in as much as my lungs could hold. The herbs were very strong, stronger than I expected them to be. I coughed out the smoke and continued coughing, trying to inhale some form of fresh air.

Tara put a hand on my shoulder once I finally stopped coughing. I looked up to her with teary eyes and was completely dumbfounded. 

A woman with long, wavy, purple hair looked down to me with a her black iris. Her right eye was completely gone and was replaced with a massive scar that took up half her face. Her skin was like smooth caramel and her lips were slightly red. She was beautiful.

I looked her up and down. She was wearing Tara's clothing. Is this what she actually looks like under all that fabric she wears!?

"Don't be nervous." She spoke every so softly. Her voice was elegant and soothing. 

She lifted my hand that was holding the blunt to my mouth. "Try to go again. It will be worth it, I assure you."

I couldn't stop now. I took another large hit and coughed it out once more. My eyes squeezed shut as I coughed out my lungs.

Brawl stars x Reader One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin