Riley smiled faintly as she poured the strained noodles into the pot and set it back onto the stove. "I'd love to help Mom but..." she paused, her eyes growing sad. "I don't know how to help her." She admitted as she began making plates. She knew how to help take care of her but she didn't know what to do about her illness. 

The child looked at her and then up at the dinner as her stomach growled lowly. "Shh." She whispered quietly and gripped it. "But you super smart and know everything." She grinned 

Riley poked her little sisters belly before handing her the small plate of spaghetti. "That's Dad." She smiled in amusement as she grabbed two plates and went to set them on the table, walking around Quinn. "Dads the genius." She told her gently. 

Quinn looked at her then giggled happily. "Daddy said you are." She whispered.

The older sister blinked, blushing a bit as she smiled a little shyly. "That's nice of him to say." She murmured, shaking her head as she placed the plates down. "Want to see if Mommy wants to eat?" She asked gently. Quinn smiled brightly and nodded as she giggled.

"Yes!" She squealed and ran off then quietly went into the room. Riley smiled a bit and went to wash her hands. "Mommy?" The child asked quietly. "Do you want food?"

Sari slept quietly until she heard her daughter. She slowly opened her eyes. "No, sweetie...I'm okay...thank you." Her mother barely whispered. Quinn nodded and looked at her father who was laying by his wife on the bed and hugging her close. The child quietly left and went back to her sister. Sari watched her go before closing her eyes again, exhausted. She began going to sleep again.

Riley frowned as she began going back to the table. She looked to the four year old. "Did she?"

The little one sat down and shook her head as she stared at her hands. She thought for a while then looked up at her again. "Was... mommy always... sleeping before... I was here?" she asked with concern.

Riley frowned as she sat down. She looked at her plate. "Well... yes. Whys that?" She asked as it was mostly true. Their mother had worked a lot and slept a lot because of the work. 

Quinn nodded but didn't say anything for a few minutes then looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I made her sick..." she choked as her tears fell.

The young woman looked to her and shushed her gently. "No you didn't, Quinn. I'm sure Mommy just caught a nasty bug." She told her calmly, frowning as she hugged her gently from her chair. "She will be better soon."

The child shook her head and hugged her close. "No... a lady said... I did dis... She was talking to daddy..." she sobbed. Her speech seemed worse the more she was upset.

Riley shook her head. "We don't know that for sure, Quinn. We don't know what Mom has just yet, alright? Let's not blame people yet." She spoke calmly and she rubbed the little girls back, frowning deeply as she wanted to reassure her.

Quinn nodded and hugged her tightly as she sniffed then buried her face. She slowly calmed, and after a moment she sat up to eat a little. She didn't know what to say or why the lady said that. The older sister watched her sadly. She let go to let her eat, slowly poking at her dinner.

She sighed softly, bouncing her leg a bit as anxiety filled her. "Don't worry, Quinny. Dad will take care or her and help her get better."

The child looked at her and wiped her tears away before eating a little more. "Promise?" she asked as she looked up at her with big eyes.

Riley looked down at her, taking a napkin and gently blowing her nose. "I promise." She smiled shakily, though she wasn't sure herself. The little girl smiled and went back to eating as she giggled and forgot how sad she was. Just happy to be with her sister again.

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