[72] You Go To A Haunted House Together

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-You Go To A Haunted House Together-

A s h t o n

Ashton is normally okay with scary things such as movies or TV shows so you had no problem asking if he wanted to go. Even he seemed pretty confident when you both were headed to the haunted house. A few minutes in though and Ashton looked like a complete wreck. You instantly felt bad about asking him to go when you saw his face. "I'm fine, babe," he smiled at you. You could tell it was a forced smile and quickly pecked his cheek. Ashton was one of those boyfriends who could not stand seeing you upset so you got the idea of acting even more scared than what you were to keep him focused on you instead of the things frightening him. Instead of his jumping at the screams of one of the characters he'd just hold you tighter and say soothing words to you. It helped the two of you until you finally made it out.

C a l u m

You and Calum had heard a few of his friends talk about some new haunted house that had opened and you decided to go. You knew Calum would be a baby about the whole thing but still decided to go, figuring you could have a good laugh about it. As you walked through and more things began jumping out at you Calum was following behind you, "Watching behind you," is what he had said, but you knew it was just because he was scared. Finally, something jumped out making you jump back a little and him scream louder than you had ever heard anyone scream before - not even exaggerating. You tried to hide your laugh but you couldn't help to let out a few giggles as you continued through. Something jumped out mid laughter making you scream almost as loud as he had, "That's what you get for laughing at me," Calum said with a laugh.

L u k e

Luke was not very good when it came to things jumping out at him. When you suggested going to a haunted house he seemed excited about it at first, possibly thinking you would chicken out. However, when the night you had planned on going together arrived, he began to give other suggestions on things to do. It wasn't so much that he was scared he just really hated jump scares. When he finally agreed on going you grabbed his hand dragging him out the door before he changed his mind. A couple seconds in and the first person in a creepy costume and fake blood covering their whole body popped out. Instead of just jumping back or screaming, Luke punched the character in the face. "Oh shit," you heard Luke gasp. The person in the costume just held their face before going back to their hiding spot. You began laughing loudly as you continued walking, "Well that's one way to get the things to back off," Luke chuckled.

M i c h a e l

Michael is always very protective of you. Sometimes his protectiveness could be rather annoying, but in this case you couldn't ask for anything more. As you walk through the dark hallway Michael walks in front of you with a hand held in yours. When something pops out in front of him he gently shoves you away before takes your hand again and continues leading you through the place. At some points he'll completely turn around and hug you quickly when something really horrifying jumps out. When you finally make it out he'll say, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" before kissing your forehead.

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