Chapter Thirty: Earth Abides

Start from the beginning

"Halt!" One of them yelled in a voice that shook the ground with rage. "You are trespassing on sacred land. What is the purpose of this insult?"

"We're here to see Diana." Harper replied, though this only seemed to anger the amazons even further.

"That is Queen Diana to you." One of them growled. "You have broken Aphrodite's Law by bringing a man to our shores. You are not worthy of a consultation with her majesty."

"From what I've heard you have a man living here now anyway. I don't think that law applies anymore."

Victor placed a hand on her shoulder, motioning for her to cease testing the patience of the amazons. They already looked beyond annoyed, and he knew first-hand that they were some of the most ferocious people when angered.

The fourth amazon, who sported a head of blazing red hair and who was taller than even Wonder Woman herself, shook her head at her sisters disapprovingly. "We are to take any matters of man's world directly to the queen, those were our orders. Save your offence for later."

The redhead finally glanced over at Victor and Harper, eyes thoroughly analysing their alloy shells.

"Follow me." She ordered, sheathing her blade and disappearing back behind the lusciously green hill. The other amazons watched with cautious eyes as the two trespassers sauntered after her.

They were lead away from the vast beach and to the ancient buildings of Themyscira. It had all the makings of an Ancient Greek city; structures carved out of solid marble and a wall that enclosed the city away from the dangerous woods that lingered nearby. The place itself was full of training arenas and women built with more muscle than most men, the palace was much less extravagant than the one in Atlantis and filled with trophies of indescribable mythical beasts.

Right in the centre was a man, around fifty years old, with bright blonde hair and mismatched eyes; one blue and the other brown. He was admiring the wings of a slain Chimera, but seemed to know that they were there before they'd ever entered the building.

"Bastion." Victor greeted with remarkable indifference and the man finally turned his attention towards them.

"Victor." Bastion nodded. "This is the last place I expected to see you."

"Desperate times." Victor replied simply, then as Bastion's gaze wavered over to the Atlas mech, he gestured towards it. "This is-"

"Harper, I know." He interrupted nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but she's-"

"From the past, and has come here to ask us to rejoin the Justice League." Bastion finishes again, crossing his arms and tapping his index finger against the rough fabric of his shirt. "You already know what the answer will be, but you've come with her anyway to distract yourself from the fact that she will be returning to her own time soon, should I continue?"

Victor's eye twitched in obvious annoyance, but he somehow managed to contain it. Harper, on the other hand, had absolutely no clue how Bastion was so well-informed. Apparently, Bastion was also aware of her confusion because he swiftly addressed it.

"I'm telepathic." He said, and somehow his eyes flared with an entrancing pattern; like thick medicine being poured into water and swirling into erratic shapes. "Diana's here."

The moment that he said this a large figure stormed into the room. A ginormous eye swung at her side, her right hand clutched around the detached veins and optic nerve. "The Cyclops has been slain. He will no longer ravage our cities borders-"

The dark-haired woman stopped in her tracks, gaze resting on Victor with apparent shock. It wasn't two seconds later that a smile shined across her face and she approached him with open arms. "My old friend! It has been too long!"

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