Chapter Thirty: Earth Abides

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The sun could not hide the shadows of the clouds passing through the sky, just like the moon couldn't stop the oceanic tide from rising as Victor and Harper trudged back onto land

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The sun could not hide the shadows of the clouds passing through the sky, just like the moon couldn't stop the oceanic tide from rising as Victor and Harper trudged back onto land. It was difficult not to feel discouraged after such a hefty rejection, but there were still others that hadn't completely dismissed her idea.

"I told you. No one will agree to this without Clark." Victor's helmet retracted automatically away from the right side of his face, and disappeared beneath the layers of metal on the other.

"There's still more people to ask." Harper replied quickly, but it was obvious that this failure had chipped away at her optimism. "How about Diana?"

The waves hit their armoured backs one last time before they finally found themselves marching over the darkened sand. Victor grimaced, and the lines on his face deepened at the expression. "She returned to Themyscira. I think she's been crowned queen of the amazons."

Harper sighed. "Great, more royalty..."

"I've spoken to her partner, Bastion, a few times but I haven't seen Diana since she left." Victor stopped and tried to wash the bitter taste of defeat from his mind with the oncoming sunset. "I don't think their son even visits them anymore."

"And their son is...?"

"Dionysus." Victor answered, semi-distracted by the explosion of colour painting the horizon.

"Oh...yeah. Should have guessed." She remembered that name from the first day she had landed there. He was a massive guy with the resemblance of a Greek god, just like Diana. Harper exhaled. She never thought that a child of Wonder Woman could grow up to be so reckless. "It's a bit weird that she has a son, I thought that was impossible. Aren't all amazons female?"

"Apparently not." A cold gust of wind blew passed them, and though it attempted to seep through their suits, it failed miserably. "There were male Amazon's centuries ago but...well, it's not my place to talk about it."

"Then I guess I'll just ask Diana." Harper said with a sting of disappointment. She was beyond curious about the subject, and to know that it was at all possible for an Amazon to raise a son went against everything she knew about Diana's people. "Do you know how to get to Themyscira?"

Victor shot her the most perplexing expression; it almost insisted that the answer to this question was obvious. "Well, Bastion's one of the only men they've let in for no, I don't know how to get there."

With that being said, Victor started to press his index finger against his left forearm. There was a low buzzing sound, and very quickly, a Boom tube cracked open in front of them. Harper gaped at the portal in surprise. "Umm...where exactly does that lead?"

"I don't know where Themyscira is, but I've sent Diana close by. This should take you somewhere near the island, but you'll have to find Themyscira on your own."

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