But remembering Kong's reaction he backpeddaled to first plan - he needs a girl for Kong to date ASAP!!!!

( Chanagun residence)

Kong walked to Sam sprawled on a sofa watching a movie -
" P'Sam care to tell me how Thaksirat lost three tenders back to back ?"

" How would I know?"

" P'Sam I know you did that. "
Sam didn't say anything. Kong sighed.

" P'Sam we need Thaksirat carelss , such moves will only alert him. I want to end this already and start on a new leaf. "
Sam nodded in agreement.


Kong entered his room through the door first time in many months.

" Did sun rise from the west? " Arthit chuckled

" I was thinking same seeing you studying." Kong retorted.

" Why Ai saat ! I am full scholarship student ofcourse I'll have to study, can't loose grades." Kong chuckled seeing Arthit get all dramatic while defending himself.

" What are you doing? " Kong asked.

" Preparing for my exclusive seminar. Suda is hell bent on giving me hard time. " Arthit replied.

" Need some help? "

" Nope."

" Okay" Kong went up to his side of bed before placing his glasses on nightstand and heading to bathroom to freshen up.

Arthit thought a lot about whether he should broach the topic of dating or not. He finally decided to give it a chance. So when Kong came back Arthit tried to gently coax Kong in to agreement

" Kong, I think you should date. Listen to me first. Dating isn't expensive or waste of time with right person. Why don't you try casual dating then go ahead from there if you click."

" No. Dont have time" Kong stared at him thinking what made Arthit thinking about setting him up.

" Kongpob I have already set up a date for you and you are going there." Arthit was adamant.

" Not happening."

" Suay is a nice girl Kongpob. Besides it's her first date she won't be expecting too much"

" Not interested."

" Try it once na...na khrap" Arthit decided to plead, it always worked

" Nope. Not interested." Apparently it didn't this time

" Why, Ai saat?"

" I don't want the girl scarred for life from her first experience of dating."

" Kongpob- " Arthit was interrupted by Kong before he could complete.

" Why are you searching sacrificial lambs Arthit? Put yourself in her place and then tell me if you still think setting me up with her is a good idea."

" Perfect " Arthit grinned, didn't his friends said same thing too!

"huh?" Kong was befuddled.

Arthit's eyes lighted up , a full wide grin adorned his face
" Ahh ....I am such a genius! " He turned towards Kong and placed a hand on his shoulder "Date me Kongpob. Problem solved. I know you. And I won't be ruined to dating because of you. And I can show you dating can be done in budget too. Perfect solution. How about that?" Arthit raised one brow

Kong shrugged Arthit's hand resting on his shoulder
" No way in the hell I am dating you Arthit " Why is this happening!!!! Kong kept shrieking internally.

Sotus:Poles Apart [ Complete] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ