Ch. 1

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****Area 51

"What do you mean a Sith is looking for us?" Kyle asked Shawn in slight disbelief. Shawn was unable to think of how to explain it, he already figured that Vader would even be there anytime anyway, and so decided to at least tell that. "His names Darth Vader, and the Emperor sent me here to find you for him" Shawn explained. Kyle and Arienne looked at each other then at Shawn with a look of distrust then Arienne spoke, "and why do you align with the Sith?" She asked in a slightly accusatory tone. "It's not be choice ok, they said that if I didn't they'd destroy the world" Shawn replied in a defensive tone but sensed their unease with him. "Who's 'they' exactly?" Kyle asked. "The Emperor, Vader, the Empire" Shawn said, "everything I've done was to protect my family and home".

"Yet you still serve them, even though they've probably destroyed your home by this point" Kyle said. Shawn now felt cornered in the same way as though he was being spoken to by Vader. "It's more complicated than that, there's this girl-" he started to say but realized it would be best to leave Mara out of it. Arienne's gaze narrowed slightly and Shawn could sense she was reading his thoughts a little. "You have feelings for a girl who also serves the Empire?" She said yet as Shawn was about to explain further he sensed something terrible was about to happen and realized that Kyle and Arienne did as well. Suddenly there was a loud faint boom followed by a rumble that shook the room. Then the lights flickered slightly before an alarm began.

Shawn turned around to see Grayson grab his personal walkie talkie. "What just happened?" He asked frantically as several more loud booms and rumbles followed. "It's the Empire sir! We just had several fighters come out of nowhere, I think they've brought landing party's" a male voice shouted on the other line. "Captain, we have three assets here that cannot fall into the Empires hands, contact the Alliance for aerial assistance" Grayson said and there was the sound of gunshots and blasterfire on the other end of the line, then the familiar sound of a respirator.

"Where are the Jedi?" Vader asked sternly. "You'll have to kill me" the captain responded. "So be it" Vader said and there was the sound of a lightsaber swing followed by static. Grayson looked at the three with concern, more specifically at Shawn. "How important is it that they don't fall into the Empires hands?" Grayson asked. "Very" Shawn replied. Grayson then walked up to Kyle and Arienne. "Can you fight?" He asked as the rumbling and explosions became more intense. "Sir, they've broken into the underground facilities" a passing MP said before heading on further down the hall. Kyle and Arienne looked at each other then at Grayson. "Yes, but we'll need our weapons" Kyle affirmed with a look of determination and fear.

********* Lothal,

The suns had just set, the rebels hunkered down for the night. And Clara and Sabine had just finished restraining the unconscious Maarek to the support post of a supply tent when Kota walked in. "I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting the drop on a Force user like that" he said with praise. "Why don't we start asking him some questions" Clara suggested and then gave Maarek a good slap in the face which jolted him awake. "What the- where am I?" He asked with a look of fear and somewhat innocence. "Somewhere the Empire can't find you my boy" Kota replied. "You must be General Kota" Maarek said with a slight look of wonder after pausing for a few seconds. "You are correct" Kota said as he sat down on the ground in front of Maarek. "Tell me, what's Thrawn's ultimate plan for defeating us?" He asked.

Maarek scoffed a little, "you think I'd just let that slip that easily, and I thought you were smarter than that" he said. Clara looked for any hint of frustration from Kota but instead saw a look of pity in his cloudy eyes. "I know that you've let it slip that this act you're putting on is just for show" Kota said with a slight sigh. "Act?" Maarek said with a little disdain yet Clara now saw what Kota had meant, something she had seen for years in many people at school. Maarek's initial cocky attitude was merely a farce to mask his true more kinder personality underneath, and she saw a glimpse of it in his eyes upon his awakening. "I don't really sense the dark side in you, but I do sense that you have a great sense of duty and loyalty to the Emperor" Kota said. Clara saw Maarek's eyes avert from Kota a little and could tell it was bothering him being probed in such a way. "This is the worst interrogation ever" Maarek said with a slight chuckle, "say what you want General, but I won't tell you anything", "it's only a matter of time before Thrawn starts looking for me". Kota then stood up, "very well then" he said in a passive manner. "Clara, you watch him tonight, and don't let him out of your sight" Kota said with a slightly authoritative tone. "Sure" Clara replied with a shrug before Kota and Sabine walked out of the tent.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now