Chapter 19

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Memories do not always soften with time; some grow edges like knives. Letting go of your painful past is how you open yourself to a wonderful future. It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. In my case my painful memories I want to forget forever that I might regret later.

"You got to stopped falling like that" the person said.

I was gathering the decorations that were scattered on the floor. The decorations were everywhere and I immediately put them  every single one of them back  inside the big  box. I was so focus on doing this I forgot of what was  the current situation right now and I didn't looked who I bumped into.

As I remembered that sentence that person just said. The sentence seem familiar for me for some reason. It can't be him. Please I don't want to be him. Think Eun Ji there's two person in your life says something like that. It could be either Baekhyun or Lay. One I'm not OK to meet with and the second one I'm OK to meet with.

"Are you OK?" the person said and crouched down to look at me if I was alright. The whole time when he was looking at me, my eyes were closed completely . I don't know why but the fear of not knowing the person who is in front of me, really make me do the dummest things. The person offer his hand to help me get back up on my feet. At first I refused to lend my hand, but eventually later I let him.

As I get up, I opened my eyes it was him. The person I want to be away from right now. The person who broke my heart, Byun Baekhyun.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said softly without making eye contact at all.

"So-" he about to continue his sentence and I ran away from him. I could see he was about to say something, but I ran. He just stood there and watched me running away from him.

"Yi Soo you planned this didn't you... I should of known" I thought in my head still running. I think I started to run away from my problems. There were a lot of fear building inside me. The fear of what will he think of me now about what I did to him, my attitude towards him.


Few weeks later right after the talent competition.

The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. I closed the curtains from my bedroom window and jumped into my comfy queen sized bed and lay on top of it to go to sleep. As I was about to go to a deep slumber. My phone rang. I picked it up and looked who was calling me, it was Yi Soo. I answered it.

"Hello Eun Ji are you there? " she said.

"Hello to you too" I replied.

"How are you I heard you got Kidnapped" I asked.

"I'm fine... Those three rescue me... You should of seen them they beat up the guys... They got skills" she continued.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to helped you I was busy during the day of the competition... I should have been there you been tortured."I said softly.

" It's fine I'm OK now don't blame yourself you didn't know"she replied.

"So, how you and Baekhyun doing? " she asked me out of curiosity.

"Well if you say not talking to eachother in school considering as fine... Then I'm fine" I said nervously.

"Eun Ji why you keep on avoiding him and don't want to hear his story or let him explain" she said.

"I don't know I think I am afraid of what he thought about me" I replied while playing with my strains of hair.

"Don't be afraid... You guys had been broken up for like 2 weeks why not let him explain.. Give him a chance" she continued.

"Fine" I said.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you I will be moving tommorow my dad told me too so I hope you will be there to send me off" she said.

"wait why?.. I won't miss it I will be there" I replied.

"Well let's just say my dad have a job there" she replied.

"Bye... remember what I said" she said with a soft tone.

"Yeah I will remember I promised.. bye Yi Soo" I said my goodbye to Yi Soo and put my phone down on my bedside table and pulled my blanket and covered myself and went to sleep.


The day of Yi Soo departure

I was walking to her house when I saw they didn't finished loading the boxes and stuffed yet. Looks like I am early. I walked more nearer to them when I saw him, Byun Baekhyun helping them by putting the stuffs onto the car. I stopped for a moment and breath and said to myself "You can do this".

As I was about to walk even more,I got scared by a sudden loud scream that make me jumped from it.

"Aaahhhwaaee... Baek why are you always the first one here... I want to be first" Chen whines with is loud voice.

So what do you think going to happened? What do you think of the Chapter is it good? I hope it is.Sorry it was a bit short. Thanks again for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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