Chapter One: Home Sweet Home

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As the big black van came to a stop in front of the old run down house of my child hood that looks so run down that it could be abandoned, the same old house that was nicknamed the murder house because anyone hardly see's anyone go in and out of the house, I couldn't help but sigh as I look out the window of the house, it's been almost 4 years since I left this place at age of 18, four years since I left my older brother Min Yoongi and our cousin Jung Hoseok for Brooklyn, New York for med school, im on my Summer Break from school before I go back as a senior in college to do my fifth year of Med School.

The House looks like it hasn't changed this house has been in our family for years after me and Suga lost our parents and J-Hope lost his we been living in this house, Yoongi and Hoseok always took care of me no matter what but after we lost our parents Yoongi and Hoseok started going by their nick names J-Hope and Suga because our parents always called them Yoongi and Hoseok and it made them upset when some one other than their parents called them by the birth given name, my thoughts where cut short by the drivers smart remark.

" Ms. Min are you sure this is the right house?, It seems abandoned", I sighed I hate being called Ms. Min it made me feel old, " I told you it's Rosita not Ms. Min, im 21 not 50, and yes this is the right house I think I would know my own address by now thank you very much", I took the drivers money out and threw it at him and I got out of the car and grabbed all of my bags out of the car and watched as it drove away, I hated how people always put me and my family down and how they put our house down just because we where different from them.

I sighed as I looked at my bags sitting on the brick path way that me, Suga and J-Hope always played hop scotch up and down in the spring time, and made snow angels on in the winter time, and played in the leaves laying on it in the fall, and painted it all up with colorful chalk in the summer time, I smiled as the memories played back in my head, Im the youngest out of Suga and J-Hope I always have been and I always will be, I was snapped back to reality at the sound of the old door to the house creaking as it opened up and I looked towards the door where I saw two familure figures standing in the door way.

I smiled as I saw them smile as they began to shout out, " IS THAT MY BEAUTIFUL BABY SISTER I SEE", I smiled and hollered back, " SUGA", I ran towards the figure as it ran towards me and we hugged each other tightly, " god I missed you so much you little squirt", I laughed as Suga got tugged away and I was embraced by another, " welcome home my little ray of sunshine", I smiled, " J-Hope, glad to be home finally", I smiled as I pulled away from my favorite and only cousin in the whole world as they both smiled at me and Suga spoke up, " lets get you inside you little shit", I laughed as I watched Suga grab three of my bags and J-Hope grab three more leaving me with my last two bags and I grabbed them and started following them to the door.

Suga opened up our door and he walked in first followed by J-Hope then I walked in behind them and looked around and smiled as it still looked the same as it did ever since we where children, " still haven't changed the place I see", Suga and J-Hope laughed, and Suga spoke up, " we tried but we just couldn't get up the courage to do it", I smiled, " I don't blame you guys for not changing it Suga, I wouldn't be able to either, because we are just so use to the décor because we have known it ever since we where a child", J-Hope smiled, " that is right Sunshine", I smiled as Suga spoke up, " your damn right".

The three of us started laughing loudly as our laughs echoed through the enormous mansion, but we where quickly silenced when we heard running down the steps as I heard a familure voice call out, " SUGA?....J-HOPE?....DO WE HAVE COMPANY?", I looked over to the stairs as the running stopped and I almost cried as I saw the familure awkward boy I grew up with standing at the steps and he smiled and called out to me, " ROSITA", I smiled and called back out to him, " V", we both ran to each other laughing and V picked me up and spun me around like he always did, " OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN SO LONG IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH", I smiled and giggled, " I KNOW IT HAS IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH TO V".

Mating SeasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora