Drunk boyfriend

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Today is b/n's birthday , you prepared him a present and a cake that you made especially for him although it was your first try but you were satisfied of what you made!.

You were home alone cause your parents were on a trip together,they wanted you to come with them but you didn't want to go because... you just want to be home watching movies and eating whatever you want you didn't really want to go anywhere .

You were about to call b/n to tell him that he could come over and you two can spend the whole day together when your phone rang and it was b/n .

You answered the call excitingly ,

Y/n:"hey b/n!! I was about to call you!"

B/n:" oh hey y/n! How are you today?"

Y/n:"i'm really good I was wondering if you could come ov..."
B/n interrupts you

B/n:"y/n uhm  i'm going out with my friends tonight they bagged me so much ...so can you please come with me? We will have alot of fun together !please say yes because i miss you so much!"

You didn't reply .

B/n:"y/n ...!! Hello?!"

Y/n:"oh yes uh... okay have fun guys!"

B/n:"hey you didn't answer are you coming? Is there is something wrong y/n?"

Y/n:" No, not really i just don't feel okay i wanna stay home today..."

B /n:" y/n! But you just said that you are fine!! Are you sure everything is okay ?!"

Y/n:" yes ... don't worry have fun !"

B/n:"sigh...okay y/n bye ,love you"

Y/n " love you too byee"

"Sigh... everything i have prepared for him... ugh this is driving me crazy !!. I guess i will eat this beautiful delicious cake alone!"

You say to yourself going to the fridge to eat the cake but then you stop thinking that maybe we will enjoy it together another time it doeasn't have to be in the same day! Yes that's right.

You go to sit on the couch watching movies and eating snacks.

B/n point of view.

*I really wanted to stay the night with y/n i miss her alot ... *

B/n went to the cupboard to get ready he didn't give much attention to what he is gonna wear.

He went out of his house at 7 PM and went to his friends who were waiting for him at the game station .

They had fun playing ,eating and drinking together.

B/n was still alittle bit upset because you weren't with him on his birthday.

He lost at a game that they were playing where the loser have to drink alcohol. He lost many times that was enough to make him really drunk.

Time passes~~

It was 11:30 PM when they said goodbye to each other and one of b/n's friends asked him if he need any help to go home, but he refused saying that it's okay his house is nearby.

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