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Dante couldn't believe me. He stood up and walked around what felt like for hours. I stood my ground. Why was I saying this? I was clearly in love with this man, but the pain.. the pain had taken over. I wasn't capable of making my own decisions any more. The pain had consumed me.

"You are going to go be a family with Stephanie." I said again. "I will always love you Dante, but we need to put the children first. They need to be in a home with TWO parents. Stephanie is obviously still in love with you. Be a completed family to them. I can't give you what you already have somewhere else. I'll be fine"

Dante argued back, "I'm not going ANYWHERE and leaving you here to waddle in pain by yourself. We made commitments. Through sickness and through health, Alexis. Please don't do this." "DAMMIT DANTE, I MEAN IT!" I shrieked suddenly with a burst of anger. "I will be alright! I'll be fine. I can't have kids. It wasn't meant to be. Just like us. We're probably not meant to be."

Dante and I argued back and forth for hours until finally, he saw he wasn't going to change my mind. "I won't cause you anymore pain. I'll leave. I'll do what's right for the children." I sat there staring at the wall. I couldn't bare to look at him.

Dante kissed me. And with that he left. I waited a while to make sure he was gone and I ran and grabbed the Biancas ultrasound. I collapsed onto the floor crying uncontrollably. "Why couldn't I give my husband what he wanted? You're nothing be a dysfunctional, worthless excuse for a woman!" I shouted to myself. I continued to cry until I fell asleep right where I lay.
Stephanie POV
"You're going to love it here with your new mommy and sister Natalie!" I beamed at my new baby girl. She was such a precious blessing. This was the happiest baby I ever encountered. Jade wasn't even this joyful. "Only if daddy were here." I thought back to how happy Dante was with Natalie. In the pit of my stomach, I knew he was really meant to be with me. I know he's married to Alexis and everything, but since they lost Bianca, maybe it was a sign.

A knock at the door shook me out of my thoughts. "Come in!" I shouted. I gasped as Dante came through the door. He smiled at me weakly. I could tell something was wrong. "What are you doing here?" I asked still shocked. "You should be over with Alexis. I got the girls by myself."

Dante said, "Yeah.. about that. Alexis is the reason I'm here." He filled me in on what Alexis said. I went a grabbed my phone to call her. Straight to voicemail. "Well, do you want to crash here tonight?" I asked Dante. "You're still welcome to stay with your daughters."

Dante smiled. "Yeah, I mean I kinda don't have anywhere else to go. I don't want to intrude on Oliver and Pam, my dad is doing God knows what with his wife." I said, "Well, I'll be in the room. You know where the blankets and pillows are."

I left Dante sitting on the couch as I went to go get ready for bed. I was nearly asleep when I felt the bed weigh down some more. It scared the shit out of me. I grabbed my gun from beside the nightstand, turned over and pointed it. It was only Dante.

"Damn!" He yelled as he quickly fell beside the bed onto the floor for cover. "You scared the absolute shit out of me. You know how I get at night!" "No, that's pretty new." Dante replied still on the floor.

"Did you need something?" I asked him putting the gun back in it's designated place. "Yeah, I'm going to sleep in here with you. The couch is pretty uncomfortable." I smiled at him as I scoot over. "Goodnight Dante." I said as I turned back over. "Goodnight Steph."

Before we knew it, we were having hot, compassionate sex all night long.

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