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My mom returns with a smirk on her face. "What?" I ask. "Well, I have this friend... and he says he's got a woman that's looking for someone to adopt her baby girl." My eyes grew wide with shock and tears. "This.. this happened so fast and out of the blue!" I let the tears fall. Was this really happening? I was finally going to get my beautiful second blessing! "I know right! Such a coincidence!" My mom said excitedly. "All you have to do is give me the "Okay" and we can get everything sat up!"

I thought to myself a long time. Was I really going to do this? I know adoption is expensive but that isn't a problem with me. After all, I'm the CEO of a marketing business; also I'm a part time model. I finally perked up. "Mom, I have to make a few calls first." I said seriously. I exit the room and call Dante.

"Hey Steph, is something wrong with Jade?" He asked automatically. "No. There's something I need to speak to you about. Alexis too." He got an worried tone in his voice. "Sure. Uh, what's up?" I explained to him how I was going to adopt, sooner than I imagined and he got a little quiet. I could hear a door shut. I'm guessing Alexis got up for a minute.

He supported me as I was astonished. "I will love her like my own." Dante said with a little enthusiasm is his voice. I teared up. "Tha-thank you so much Dante. That means so much to me." We hang up. I'm sure he's going to fill Alexis in.

I returned into the room and gave my mom the "okay" with excited tears falling from both of our faces. I was going to be a mother all over again! The next day came. I got an lawyer to come to my house to confirm the adoption. Mom entered the room with a stack of papers. She handed them to the lawyer.

"Where's the doctor and birth mom?" I asked. Mom replied, "she will be here momentarily, but the doctor, he won't be able to make it. He had an emergency surgery to perform. Those things are very mandatory." I sat back nervously. What if this doesn't go right?

Finally, a knock at the door came. My mom answered and revealed a beautiful young woman with blonde hair, beautiful skin, and green eyes. "She looks like a younger version of Alexis." I think to myself. I greet her as she comes in holding a baby seat. As her and the lawyer greet and talk I cannot take my eyes off the baby.

I instantly fell in love. She is everything. She was meant to be my daughter. I picked her up and cradled her to me. I was lost for words. "I'm your mommy now Natalie." I cooed at her. She looked up at me with wide blue eyes as my heart melted. She smiled at me! I gave her to my mom as I returned to sign all the legal documents.

A million documents later, we were finished. The lawyer shook my hand as he went to go file the documents with a federal judge. Baby Natalie was finally mine to keep. The birth mom looked a little nervous but she smiled at me meekly as she congratulated me and left.
"It must have been so hard for her." I said to my mom. We continued to enjoy baby Natalie's presence.

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