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Alexis POV

Did I hear correctly? Stephanie was adopting; SOONER than we all expected..? Of course I was jealous. I wanted a baby girl. But the mother in me congratulated her. She was giving that child a wonderful home to be raised in along with a sibling. As Dante filled me in, I remained quiet.

"Are you sure you're fine with it?" He asked me nervously. I silently nodded. "There's another thing." He added. "She wants me to come and meet the baby. She's naming her after her deceased twin sister; Natalie." I looked up at him with a blank expression that suddenly turned to joy. "That's so sweet! Can I.. um come along?" I asked quietly but sweetly.

Dante's expression was shocked. "You sure you want to do this?" I replied, "Yes, it'll help me heal."
Later that afternoon, we arrived at Stephanie's house. We walked up to the door, knocked and waited. I was nervous. How was I going to react seeing a precious baby girl? Dante noticed my nervousness and gave my hand a squeeze, "You're going to do great." He said with a smiling face.

Stephanie opened the door with a grand smile on her face until she saw me. She looked scared. She walked over and hugged me first. "Hey Alexis, how are you?" She asked while rubbing in my hair. "I'm doing great. How about we go meet the new member of the family?" I said excitedly.

She smiled and welcomed us in. I noticed how much Stephanie already had bought. There were so many toys, a closet full of new clothes, wipes, pampers, a extra bouncer still in the box, a thousand baby bags, little shoes and etc. Wow, she really was ready!

Stephanie disappeared into the nursery while Dante and I sat waiting. She returned shortly holding Natalie. God was she beautiful! I smiled instantly. Dante ran over to hold her. He never looked so happy. While they played with their new baby, I stood up. "May I hold her?" I asked Stephanie. She smiled vibrantly, "Why, yes Alexis, it'll be my pleasure!"

Dante handed her to me carefully while studying my face. Stephanie studied me too. I don't blame them. I grabbed Natalie gently. Soon as I put her up against me, a strange feeling washed over me. Almost overwhelming. This.. this felt like my child. But I knew it wasn't. Why did I feel like that?

I quickly hid the feeling and played with and bounced her joyfully. My depression left out of me. I had found my peace. Natalie was my source of that peace. She looked up at me and put her tiny little hand to my face.

Stephanie and Dante's demeanor changed to relief as they watched me. After all the talking and playtime, it was time to leave. We returned home. As I entered, the depression sat in again. I ran to the room and left a clueless Dante standing in the doorway.

He ran into the room asking was I okay. "You know something Dante?" I started. "You guys looked so much like a big, happy family. I can't take those girls only father away from them even if Natalie isn't yours biologically." Dante's eyes widened with shock. "What the hell are you saying, Alexis? I can co-parent and be here with you. Some day we'll have another chi.."

I cut him off before he got that God forsaken word out his mouth. "WE are not HAVING another child! I'm not capable. I'm not meant to have a child! But, we're going to do what's right for the children. Go back and be with them. Stephanie included."

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