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I don't remember anything. I wake up covered in sweat at the hospital. Dante was by my side which was a huge relief. "How did you get here?" I said half out of it. He said, "I took a helicopter. It was very dangerous but I'm here." I smiled weakly at him.

A single doctor came into the room. Looks like he was the only one here tonight. "Dr. Ferrell" read his name tag. He gave me the clear to push as the pain intensified. More sweat built on my forehead as Dante was encouraging me to keep going. I blacked out.

I woke up to a empty room. I was confused. Where was Dante? The doctor? More importantly, WHERE was MY BABY?

I laid in the bed not attempting to move because that would be dumb as hell. I finally heard two men voices in the hall: Dante and the doctor. I heard Dante cry out in anger and pain. I called out to him worried "DANTE!?" He walked into the room trying to musk his emotions. He failed as I saw right through him. I knew something was wrong.

"What's w-wrong?" I stumbled out. The doctor came in shortly after and told me, I'm sorry ma'am, but you've lost your baby girl." He muttered sadly. I screamed the loudest I could. I broke down. Dante joined me holding onto me and he broke down as well. I wanted to just die!

Two babies! Why was this happening.. was I not meant to be a mother? So many questions ran through my head as I bawled my eyes out. I asked "How..? I felt her moving inside of me this whole time HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?" I cried. The doctor explained that she was stillborn. I still was confused. Dr. Ferrell left the room for a while and returned with my baby. He placed her into my arms: lifeless. I started shaking and broke down again. My baby Bianca was gone. He muttered he was sorry again and that he would give us time alone.

Dr. Ferrell had committed a crime that night. There was another woman that also lost her baby. She was a stillborn. The lady didn't want her baby at all. Dr. Ferrell said he would handle it. He took her baby and put HER baby in my arms. He tucked Bianca away somewhere safe. Bianca lived that night. He had swapped the babies. But we didn't know... we didn't know.

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