it's nice to have a friend - rosékook

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It was a typical December afternoon. The school bell rang, indicating that it was the end of yet another long day of school. 15 year old Chaeyoung tiredly walked on the sidewalk covered in snow, with one glove on her hand. She looked towards the ground while walking, trying hard not to think about the coldness piercing her bare right palm.

They pranked her again. They took her glove this time, and didn't give it back. She doesn't know where it is now. It's probably lying somewhere in the school campus. She doesn't know, she doesn't care at this point. She has accepted the fact that she was not welcomed.

Tears pricked the corner of her eyes while she clutched the inside of her jacket pocket. Just then, he appeared.

She doesn't know when he crept up beside her, but the only thing she knows is that he was standing in front of her now, holding one glove in his hand.

Chaeyoung stared at the glove and back towards the boy.

"This is not mine." She answered, trying to sound as polite as she can.

"I know." was all he said. She surprisingly didn't feel scared of him. He didn't look like he was about to bully her. He didn't look mad, nor he looked mean. He just looked... nice.

Chaeyoung did not know what to do. She wasn't used to any act of kindness in the city since she moved in. The winter wind was gently brushing her face and hair, and a shiver ran down her spine. The boy gently smiled when she didn't make any moves to take the glove from him.

He walked towards her to pull her right palm from her pocket, and he slipped the glove he was holding over it. It was only then Chaeyoung realised he was also missing a glove.

"Wait, where's your glove?" She innocently asked. The boy just smiled and walked to stand beside her.

"Let's walk home together." He said, holding the straps of his backpack and smiling widely towards her. His smile reminded Chaeyoung of a baby bunny.

"But your hand will be cold!" She said in a concerned tone.

The boy pressed his lips and changed his position, now standing on her left side. He slowly took her gloved hand into his own and held it tightly.

"Problem solved." He chimed, and pulled her to start walking. Chaeyoung was in too much of a shock to say anything and she kept switching her state from the boy to their hands.

This was the first time she held hands with anyone, let alone a boy. Ever since she moved to Seoul from Australia, she has faced nothing but harshness and rudeness from her peers. So this sudden act of kindness, and a possible move of friendship, from this strange boy made her nervous.

She didn't realize she was staring at him while she was lost in her thoughts. He was basically navigating her the whole time.

"I saw what they did with you. It wasn't cool." He said, when she wouldn't take her eyes off him. His cheeks were red– she doesn't know whether it's the cold or he's blushing. She definitely knows her cheeks are red because she's blushing, not because she's cold.

"I'm Jungkook." He introduced himself, smiling brightly at her again.

"Why are you doing this? Are you in some kind of dare?" She asked, and he laughed.

Of course she'll think he's on a dare. It was the first time they talked in 2 months, and he was being kind to her, letting her borrow his glove and walking her home while holding her hand. There's no way she would think anyone is genuinely trying to help her and be her friend, because all she has ever received is coldness from her classmates.

"Believe it or not, I'm not on a dare." He replied, putting his hand that was holding hers in his pocket, warming them even more. Chaeyoung relaxed a bit.

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