Update On The Story

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Hello everyone I'd like to start off with saying,  thank you for all of your support and I hope you've all had a nice day.

Now onto the main reason of this update. I have decided to discontinue this book. There were a multitude of reasons that contributed to this decision.

Some of these reasons are:

1) I've been to busy, with life, to really write anything for this story.

2) I didn't like how the book was turning out. So, I decided to take a break, in the hopes of getting the gears in my head working. And I eventually went back and revised the first and second chapters of the story. However, after that nothing really clicked for me when it came to this story.

3) I simply lost interest in the story. I had ran out of Ideas and I didn't like where the story was going. And no matter how many times I tried to write a chapter for this story, or update a previous chapter. I couldn't get anything written down.

4) I'd rather end on a high note, rather than continue to write a book I no longer care for. I'd rather end it where the book is still, somewhat, good and not end up ruining it. I don't want to give you, my followers and readers, sub-par work. I only want to give you the best I can offer because I believe that's what you deserve.

I know that you might find this disappointing, and I'm sorry for that. But I can't write a story I no longer have any passion for. Which is why I've decided to discontinue this story.

Again I am sorry for either upsetting you or disappointing you. I hope you liked the book. And I hoped you had fun reading it.

Again thank you for all of your support, thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

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