twenty four - exigency

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exigency:(noun) an urgent need or demand.

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i sit at upright in my hospital bed, the green woolen blankets pulled up to my chest - even though i was sweating i wanted to bury myself under them completely. to hide from the world because no matter how hard i tried, i just couldn't relax.

the worry of whether she'd even turn up was eating me alive. she sounded strange on the phone. as if something, or someone was causing her to not listen to me completely. i know what i was doing was crazy. but right now, she was my only hope.

ha, hope. that's a feeling right?

at least i'm feeling something.

i'd chewed my nails right down until they had started to bleed by the time she hurries through the door, looking extremely flustered and worried. she collapses into the chair beside my bed, panting for breath.

"we haven't got long." she shakes her head and looks over her shoulder.

"what do you mean we haven't got long?" i ask, my pulse quickening.

"they wouldn't let me in - again." she looks to me with glossy eyes. "so i snuck in."

"god dammit india!" i hiss, angry with the fact she's drawing un-needed attention to us, but i decide not to mention it. it's not her fault I've rushed her her at 4 in the morning. plus, there was more important things. "grab my jacket, there." i point to the heap of leather spread across the chair. she stands and grabs it before looking to me for further instruction. "there's keys in one of the pockets."

"what exactly is this favour?" she cocks an eyebrow at me as she retrieves the keys. "you didn't exactly explain on the phone."

"come closer." i glare at her.

she smirks in response. "now isn't the time for games, matty."

"i don't want to play fucking games." i growl. "now get here!" she steps back at my harsh words. her face screwed up. it takes her a moment to collect herself before doing as i asked. i know i'm being totally mean and out of hand, but everything she's doing is annoying me right now. this is serious.

"you go to my house." i whisper when she's close enough. "those are my keys."

her facial expression changes completely and she lets out a frustrated breath.

"there's something you need to clean up there." i continue, keeping my voice slow and quiet. "there's some mess."

"i'm not a fucking maid." she scoffs, going to stand up away from me.

I grab the collar of her shirt and pull her back, ignoring her gasp. "i know you're not." her eyes stare into mine. i can sense the worry in them. "and that's why i need you to do it. you are a strong, brave girl. you can handle it."

"jesus fucking christ matty." she sighs. "what kind of mess is it?"

i shake my head and hand her a crisp white envelope with an address on the front. "in here, are instructions. you follow them to a tee. do you understand me?" i wait for her to nod. "but, you do not open them until you're inside.. no matter what. and, after you've done everything, you burn the list, and the envelope."


"you cannot forget. it is essential that it is destroyed. okay?"


i nod. "thank you india. and i'm sorry i had to drag you into this."

"i just don't understand why you've rushed me down here to go clean your house." she furrows her brows at me.

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