twenty one - insidious

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insidious:(adjective) proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.

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i crumple up the badly written note and toss it in the trash before taking my phone out and texting his nialls number.

"forgiven looser. x"

i smile at the thought of being friends with him again - we've had loads of amazing memories together and it would have been stupid to let that all to to waste. (although I'm glad he made the effort to fix it because i am far too stubborn). my phone buzzes again, signalling a text message.

niallier: thank god, i was beginning to think you weren't interested. i love u x

I smirk at his response and tell him i love him too then throw my phone onto the kitchen side and flick the kettle on. it was hot chocolate weather, definitely.

i'm just about to add the sugar (yes i have sugar. i do in all my hot drinks) when there's a knock at the door. i decide to make them wait and carry on with my drink - but the knocking gets even louder.

"okay, okay! I'm coming!" i hiss, reaching for the door and swinging it open.

"hey..." harry stands awkwardly at the door - causing my breath to hitch in my throat from shock. "these are for you." it takes me a few seconds to calm before i realise he's holding something in his hand.

i move my gaze to what he's handing me. a boquet of sherbet sticks? what? i'm confused.

"is this a joke?" i eye the candy and then him. he just shakes his head no, a smirk emerging.

"i know you don't like flowers, so i got you a boquet of something i know you do like." he shifts awkwardly on his feet. he obviously felt nervous. "i'm sorry i just though it was a good idea. it was stup-"

"no. no." i interrupt. "it's lovely harry." and it really was. thinking about it properly, it was probably one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me. "thank you so much."

"don't thank me. i wanted to apologise about earlier at work." he shoves his hand into his jeans pockets as he spoke, probably trying to calm himself. it was cute seeing him nervous. "i just think your relationship with him is really insidious. there's just something about him that i feel isn't right... but, either way - i was rude and disrespectful and i am honestly sorry."

"it's okay." is all i manage. i don't exactly know what to say to him - was kinda awkward really.

"well anyway... i best be going." he pulls his lips into a tight awkward smile as he turns to walk away. just as i begin to shut the door, i hear him call. "wait, wait!"

"yes?" i pull open the door again.

he screws his face up, as if mentally scolding himself for his actions. "i, um... are you busy?"

i shake my head. "not really, why?"

"would you like to do something.. or go somewhere?" i swear a ghost of red appears on his cheeks as he speaks.

"what, you mean like a date?" i ask, regretting it seconds later. i probably sound such a fool, we've already slept together and i'm getting all judgemental about whether it was a date or not.

"yeah..." he smiles. "like a date."

i nod in response before even thinking. i had never been on a real date before.

"great!" his grin widens. he then looks me up and down. "do you want to change first?"

i suddenly remember that i'm wearing my work clothes and my face falls - causing him to panic.

"woah, err- not that you don't look good in that uniform. because trust me, you do."

i feel my cheeks flushing pink at his compliment. but, i don't even need to debate it. he's stood there in his skinny jeans, boots, posh jumper and coat. most of his hair tucked under a beanie and a scarf wrapped around his shoulders. he looked like he'd jumped straight outta' a christmas romance novel - of course i had to change.

"i'll change. just because i would be cold in these." i lie. yeah, sure. that's the reason. "just come in a second, make yourself at home." i invite him in, watching as he takes a seat on the sofa. "do these need to put in water?" i joke, holding up the bouquet of candy.

i place them on the side as i listen to him chuckle. oh god. his laugh is intoxicating. "right. i won't be long. just watch telly, or don't. or read or something, or don't. it's upto you. yeah. um. i'm gonna stop talking now!" i laugh and run into the bedroom, shame practically spilling out of me. why am i so nervous?

i mentally curse myself for not doing my washing yesterday, because i have nothing nice to wear. oh shut up india - that doesn't matter... you could be wearing yves saint lauren and still look like dirt in comparison to him.

i eventually find an old green sweater and decide to pair it with my dark blue ripped jeans (that I'm almost certain I didn't buy ripped and they have a gravy stain on somewhere) and my chunky boots. "i'm ready!" i announce, as bury myself in the mass that is my coat, scarf and hat.

harry jumps from the position he was in - which looked a lot like was looking at the baby photographs of me on the tv stand. "you look lovely." he smiles, walking over to join me at the door, which i was already holding open. i decided not to mention the stupid obviously untrue compliment and smile instead. it's a lot easier that way.

"haaaarry..." i stretch his name out on purpose.


"how did you know i liked sherbet sticks?" i quiz him - which was probably totally stupid, but i was curious.

"there was loads of empty packets on top of your drawers in your bedroom last night." he answers casually. i decide to drop it, talking about it only made me dwell on how fucking cute he was being.

i lock the door behind us and shove them into my bag as we make our way towards the elevator, which obviously was spurring that crazy bubbly feeling in my stomach because every time me and harry ride it together something happens. but, this time, nothing did. he simply smiled at me for the entire duration of our time in there. (which i'm admitting - disappointed me slightly)

"oh shit." i sigh, feeling my pockets.

"what is it?" harry stops and looks back.

"i've left my gloves upstairs." i pout, looking past him out of the window at the snow falling down.

"what ever do you need gloves for?" he hums, a silly smile spread across his face.

i laugh dryly. "you're joking right? it's snowing, my hands will freeze!"

suddenly he closes the distance between us and entwines his fingers with my own. "that's what I'm for, love."

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{authors note}

so, i don't know if you guys have noticed but this book has gone entirely lowercase. i have edited all the other chapters and they have been made to all match and flow together better. i hope that you'll all be able to adjust to this change and keep reading!

also, are you all shipping mindie or hindie? x

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