nine - ecstatic

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ecstatic: (adjective) feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.

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deciding not to speak to niall was the worst possible thing i could have done. i haven't spoken to him since he was at my house earlier in the week. we argued for most of the night. one second we were talking about matty the next he was blabbing on about my job.

he doesn't understand... i know my job is no good and that i should be looking for a real career- but, it's just - the money i make from doing what i do only just earns me enough to live on. there's no possible way that a regular job would cut it... and talking about it only makes me feel worse. so there's so surprise i told him to mind his own fucking business and basically threw him out. i knew i would have to speak to him eventually; he's my best friend after all. just, not yet. i'm not ready i'm still far too pissed.

the first thing i did when he left that night was job searching online. there was no way that i was quitting stripping, but a separate day job a couple of days a week would definitely help, and then maybe i'd be able to stop doing extras on the side. i sat coffee and laptop in hand and searched the web for something that didn't require any serious skill or me taking my clothes off. i was just about to give up when i saw an ad at a coffee shop i recognised, it was in the town centre and they we're looking for part time staff- so i took the address down and decided i'd pop in.

that's where i'm heading now and unfortunately for me, london is hectic this afternoon. i don't normally mind the tube. to me, sitting staring out of the window with my headphones in is a nice way to pass time. however, right now i'm crammed into a corner, feeling seriously claustrophobic due to the surrounding lifeless drained looking strangers that we're more than likely heading to work.

luckily, my stop comes quickly and i'm relieved from the overly full train. i push myself through the bustling crowds until i reach the coffee shop, my heart dropping when i see the building up close. i've never actually paid any attention to the place while walking past. it was posh, a little too posh in fact. i instantly recognised it to be italian, due to the décor and the name covering the tinted windows; sant' eustachio. although this did seem to calm my nerves slightly, considering i spoke a little italian - i still felt the overwhelming urge bubbling inside me to just run in the opposite direction.

after winning a mental battle with myself, i take a deep breath and push through the heavy doors, the strong smell of ground coffee instantly greeting me; making me crave one. it's large inside, many tables scattered around that have been sprinkled with vintage magazines and old books that looked like they could seriously do with a clean. fairy lights hung from the low ceiling and around the bar, giving the shop a pretty glow. the faint sound of the radio played in the background, delicately airing what i recognised as one of ed sheeran's new songs around the room. there were several customers inside, mostly teenagers that looked incredibly hipster. they must be art or music students or something.

i make my over to the counter where i stand for a couple of minutes, until an incredibly pretty redheaded tattooed woman emerges from the back, her ponytail swaying as she moves. she must only be about my age, if not a tad older.

"what can i getcha'?" she sends me a genuine smile as she rubs her hands on her apron.

"oh- i- um- i'm not here for coffee." i stutter clumsily.

"right..." she stretches, her defined eyebrow rising slightly.

she already thinks i'm an idiot, and i've only been here 30 seconds. quickly calming myself i reach into my bag, pulling out the advertisement i had printed off. "i saw the-um-ad..." i say, lifting it up for her to see. "for the part time staff."

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