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                       -Two years later-
  The door burst open. Two six year old boys ran in, covered in dirt. "Daddy! Look at the awesome friends we made!!" They yelled excitedly, holding a handful of snails. Spider's head turned and he smiled. "Wow, those are really cool. I wonder what their guts look like?" "Daddy you know what aunty Tae said. No weird talk here." Dagger said, slightly concerned. After a split second of silence Spider burst out laughing, "You know you're so much like you're mother." "Really?!" Dagger asked with anticipation. "Yeah its almost concerning." Spider said. "Who am I like Daddy?" Ryan asked. "Well... That's a though one... humm... I think you're most like uncle Devin. He's hot headed but has a big heart." Spider replied kindly. "... Wow...." Ryan said in amazement. "Daddy, you're so cool!" Dagger exclaimed. "Thanks kid, I am cool aren't I. Now go take your friends back outside." "Ok daddy." They said and they ran out to the backyard.
  "KNOCK" KNOCK" The door shook with the sound. "It's open!" Spider called. "That's really not safe. Raven would be disapointed." Tae giggled as she opened the door. "AUNTY TAE!!" the boys yelled as they sprinted back inside and gave her a hug. "Awww you guys are so adorable!" She cheered as she ruffled their hair. "Raven would be so proud of you guys. I bet she's watching over right now." She said nostalgically. "Whoa! Is she like our guardian angel?!" Ryan asked excitedly. "Of course she is. Raven would never leave us alone." Spider said with pride. "Mommy is awesome!" Ryan exclaimed. "Yes she really is awesome." Tae said with a melancholy smile.
  "KNOCK KNOCK" someone else had knocked on the door. All their heads turned twords the visitor. Devin stood in the doorway, cradling a baby girl with hair as dark as night. "Babe, How could you just leave me to take care of OUR daughter?" He asked, leaning against the door. "You could handle it, you big baby. Now come to mama." She responded, her arms stretched out twords her daughter. Devin carefully handed her over to Tae and smiled. "She totally takes after me." He stated with firm confidence. "As if!" She replied.
  "Oooooo is that cousin Lilly?!" Dagger asked cheerfully. "Yes it is. Lilly, say hi to cousins Dagger and Ryan." Tae said with a laugh. Lilly looked at them with beautiful green eyes. The boys stared back with seamless wonder. Then Lilly let out a gorgeous laugh that lit up the whole room. They all began to laugh with her. They whole room looked bright and lively. "Hey, why did you guys choose to name her Lilly?" Spider asked curiously. "Oh, we picked Lilly because Raven once told me if she were to have a daughter, she would caller her Lilly. Well her full name is Lillian but Raven wanted Lilly to be her nickname." Tae replyed. "Oh ok. The name fits her well." Spider said kindly. Tae smiled warmly "Why, thank you."
  In that moment they all knew that Raven would live on through them...
no matter what happens.

The End

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