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A/N: Ok I'm really fucking pissed because I just spent the last hour writing this chapter and then it's fucking crashes! This chapter is gonna be short so deal with it! Now... I didn't explain this before because I got off topic but anyway the reason why Raven and Dagger went off on their own was they couldn't stand the idea of more children being slaughtered by the CCG. Tae and Devin went off to track down some wild ghouls that getting out of hand. Then, Spider and Jasper are trying to find some ghouls to help them spread the word of their group. Ok now on with the rest of the chapter.

"This is so fucking boring! Why can't we kill them already?! That would be so much more fun! Seeing their horrified faces as they plead for mercy! Oh I'm already getting excited!" Tae yelled as she sat next to Devin looking down on an alley way with a drunken couple making out against a wall. Devin turned to her with a smirk and said, "I would too but, you know what Raven said. We are only here to stop some annoying ghouls from catching attention by the CCG. We can't hurt the bait now can we?" "Why should we give a shit about what she says?!? She can be such a buzz kill! This is so boring I feel like my head is gonna fucking explode!" she yelled with her feet kicking the side of the building like an upset child. "Well too bad. I'm sure you've noticed that she's acting different since... you know..," Devin said quietly. "Yeah but still she doesn't need to take the fun out of everything! I know this group this important but, I didn't know it was gonna be so boring!!" Tae yelled childishly. "Wait what was the name again... I can't remember...," Devin asked her. "Um.. I think it was MNSTR," Tae replied a little more seriously.

A/N: I hope you like it. Now I'm gonna go sulk for the next 30 minutes because I spent an hour actually not being lazy and it was wasted! This is why I don't put in any effort! Anyway, I hope you have a great day/ night. See you later. Baii.
(I'm still really fucking pissed)

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