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The day was cold with red and orange leaves covering the damp cement. Jasper was going out to see if there were any cheap apartments open for sale. (He's wearing the outfit at the top)
  He first stopped at a two bedroom one bath small apartment for $988 per month. However, the area was too packed with people. The second and third ones were ether too busy or too expensive.
  Finally, Jasper found and abandoned trail in the woods. There were tall black trees towering on both sides. Foliage grew out of control for the first two to three feet at the base of them. However, the old dirty road was dry and dead. He followed it for about an hour and I was now sun set. Then in the distance he saw an abandoned cabin. The wood was dark and looked old fashioned. There were glass windows tinted black with dust, a deep brown slanted roof, a mossy stone chimney, and the walls were under a layer of think green vines growing upwards. Jasper slowly crept towards the house looking to make sure no one was inside. He opened the large round door with a loud squeak. All the furniture was covered in dusty white sheets, the carpet was mated and crusty, the white counter tops where now a light tan and covered in a think layer of dust, and spiderwebs where in every corner of the room. Jasper then released how late it was and started sprinting back to the hotel. He burst open the door and was great with a few screams and some groans. "Oh you're back... what a pity," Davin said dully. "Hey I have you know I found a place to stay for free but, I guess I just won't show you!" Jasper yelled pointing his finger frantically at him. Devin slowly turned his head towards him and said, "really?... It must be a dumb then knowing you're taste in decoration." "Ughh! Not true I think it's quite a nice place to stay! Plus no one would ever think of going there!" Jasper screamed defensively. "Ah, I knew it... it is a dumb. That must be why no one would go there...," Devin said with his hand on his chin as if he was thinking very hard. Jasper's face was now red with anger. He slammed the door behind him and plopped face down on the couch and let out a loud scream. The bathroom door burst open to reveal a dangerously angry Tae. "Do you guys ever shut up!?" she boomed. "Shhhhh you might wake Raven," Devin said quietly. Tae then looked even more infuriated and yelled, "oh shut it! You know very well not even an air horn can wake her!" "Hmmmm true," he said dully.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know I'm not updating well so I'm sorry. And I know I apologize a lot (or that's just what everyone tells me). Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day/ night! See you later! Baii!

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