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  A/N: heyyyyyyyy. Sooo on Sunday I went to the Deyoung art museum in the Golden Gate Park! It was so cool! The picture up top ^^^ is my all time favorite. It's called "Sunlight and Shadow" by Albert Bierstadt. He painted it with oil paint on canvas. Just look at how skilled he was! Oh my god! It's beautiful! Ahh!
  Devin zoomed down the street on his skateboard as he headed to Anteiku. He stopped with a loud screech as he arrived. He picked up his board and walked through the new looking door and was met by Jasper, Spider, Touka, Hinami, Nishiki and Yomo. "Hey." he said as he sat down at one of the tables. "Hey Devin! How's Tae are you guys still madly in love?" Hinami asked cutely. "Haha she's as annoying as ever but yeah." he said with a laugh. "Awwww you guys are just adorable!" She squealed. "Sooooooo Touka how can we help? I can't wait to see the look on my beautiful Raven's face when she sees how amazing I am." Spider said blissfuly. "Wait you and Raven are a thing?!? I thought she would never find a man!" Nishiki laughed. "Oh shut up you ass, you're just saying that because you know you'll never find a chick again!" Touka yelled angrily. "Hey don't bring that up you loud mouthed bitch!" Nishiki retorted. "Oh yeah and you're a fuckin' jackass who doesn't know how to keep it in his pants!" Touka boomed with rage. "You little cunt!" Nishiki screamed as his face become rad with fury. "Dick!" "Bitch!" "Jack ass!" "Dumbass!" "Douche bag!" they yelled as they argued for what seemed like ages. "With you two just fucking shut up! God you're such bitches." Devin said with annoyance. "Soooo Touka are you gonna answer my question or not?" Spider asked as he started putting new stitches on his wrist. "Ohhhh uh... oh yeah um, I need you guys to first try to bring in some customers. You know like pass out flyers and shit." Touka responded. "Ohhhh ok cool. Come on guys we got some work to do!" Spider cheered as he ran out the door. "That idiot didn't even take any flyers." Jasper said as he grabbed the stack of papers and walked out. "Ughhhh fine, what a pain." Devin said as he slowly crawled out the door.
Spider was at the corner of the street yelling, "Coffee! Coffee! Best coffee in Tokyo! Only at Anteiku re:!" A few people took a flyer but most gave him weird looks and ran away. "Dude, you really don't know how freaky you look do you?" Devin said as he suddenly popped up out of nowhere. "What do you mean?" Spider asked innocently. "With you're dark eye bags, vampire ass complexion, and fuckin' Frankenstein's Monster ass stitches, who wouldn't be scared of you?" Devin said in response. "Wooh dude! I love you're stitches! You look so cool!" A girly-ish (I know I know I watch the dubbed ok so sue me) voice said from behind them.

N/A: I know I know I'm awful. Ok I'm not gonna make an excuse I just didn't wanna start writing until today. Haha I'm just that fucking lazy. Anyway I hope you guys have a great day/ night! See you later! Baii!

word count: 554
Wooooooo 200 more words than last time!

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