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Raven took Dagger over to her bed and tucked him in. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled. "It'll be ok don't worry I'll get you some music in a second," she said sweetly. Raven walked over to her bag and got out her headphones. She plugged them into her phone and walked back over to Dagger. "Here. This will help you sleep. You're safe now," she said giving Dagger her headphones and started playing him soft piano music. After about three minutes he was sound asleep. Raven looked at the little blonde haired blue eyed boy with sorrow. She felt so bad for him. He lost his whole family at such a young age and who knows how many times people have tried to kill him. Raven walked to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee. "Why would Amon try to kill him? Didn't he like start respecting Kaneki or something in the second season," she asked as she took a sip of coffee. "I think we might be in the first season right after Mado dyed," Devin said. "Wait, really," Tae said getting herself some coffee as well. "That would make since because, if Devin is right then Amon still doesn't understand what Kaneki meant," Raven said as she put her coffee down. "It's late... I'm gonna go change and head to bed," Raven said walking to the bathroom. She changed into a purple crop top and long, baggy black, fluffy pants. She took off her eyeliner and get in bed next to Dagger. After about twenty minutes she fell asleep.

•-• ~Raven's Dream~ •-•

She woke up tied to a chair in a large room with checkered flooring. Shit she thought because she new exactly what this place was. The door creaked opened like nails on a chalkboard. A tall man with a crazed look on his face entered the room with a wicked smile cross his face. Jason... she thought as he got closer and closer. "HeLlO dEaR, iT's So NiCe To FiNaLlY mEeT yOu. We'Re GoNnA hAvE sO mUcH fUn ToGeThEr. DoN't WoRrY, tHiS wOn'T bE pAiNfUl... It'Ll Be ExCrUcIaTiNg! HaHaHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHA," he said crazily as he walked up to Raven. He grabbed his thing-a-mibob (I have no clue what's it's called) and cut off her first finger. "AHHHHHHH," Raven screamed in agony. "RaVeN!! rAvEn RaVeN!! rAvEnRaVeNrAvEnRaVeN!!!RAVENRAVEN," he screamed as he started cutting off he fingers and toes.

.•. ~End of Dream~ .•.

"Raven! *shake shake* Raven you're ok. You're save," Tae said shaking Raven awake from her nightmare. "Are you ok Miss," Dagger asked as he sat next to her on the bed. "I-I'm fine, don't worry. It was just a little nightmare," she said with a shaky smile. Even though she tried to act fine but she kept replying the horrible scene over and over in her head.

A/N: I hope you guys like it! I'm writing this at 2:22 in the morning sooooo yeh. I got school tomorrow hehe. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day/night! I'll see you guys later! Baii!

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