Twilight ~ A Late Pregnant Aftenoon

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Authors Note - any twilight fans here? Anyone who has read the books? Seen the movie? Or do you just hate it like I do...? Now, I have nothing against the actors from Twilight... Because last time I mentioned how much I can't stand the incandescent babbling that is The Twilight Series, she sent me a picture of Robert Patterson with the caption,"How could u not luv ths?!?!?" I just hate the books, plot, characters... And maybe Kirsten Stewart. If you hate Twilight, you might just laugh at this... If you love Twilight... Mwa ha ha!!! Ok ok.... Unfair? Well.... Used to LOVE twilight! Seriously. I had the clothes, autographs, posters, books, movies, magazines, badges, bags and.... Action figures. They all live in the most dusty part of the attic, along with the merchandise from all the other things I used to love! But after reading the books again.... I hated myself for weeks for my 'Twispeak'... So, toss this chapter up... For some reason, Renesmee has grown up and married Jacob... The lack of description and actual plot suggests that an extremely dumb fan who's failing English wrote this... Oh yeah.... You know how Twilight vamps can't get pregnant?.... HERE. THEY CAN!!!!! Triplets!!!! Good luck! Vote and fan! Comment and add this to your libraries! Go on!

"Hi dad" I'm on the phone talking because its kind of hard to talk in person when I live in Washington and they live in New Hampshire. "We just had the ultrasound and guess what!" There was no sound on the other line for a few moments

"What Renesmee we can't think of anything and Alice can't see anything." I say it so happily

"We're having triplets!" I could hear whispering on the other line and the voice I heard the loudest was Alice.

"That's great honey we decided that we want to be there when you go into labor so we're coming down. Do you know the genders?" That last question made me mad.

"No I don't know the genders and that's great you guys want to be hear let me just talk to Jake first. I'll call you back in 10 minutes." There was a pause and then voices talking about what's going on.

"Ok call us back in ten minutes. Love you." I was happy

"Love you too". I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Jake" I said. It kind of sounded like a moaning sound. He immediately rushed to my side

"Are you ok honey?" I looked at him and smiled:

"yeah I'm family is happy for us and they want to come down and be here when I go into labor."

Jake suddenly became tense. He was probably thinking about what would happen with La Push when there 9 vegetarian vampires here including myself.

"Jake calm down for both of our sakes and our babies." When he heard that statement he started to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry I almost flipped out back there honey you just took me by surprise." He sat down and put his arms around me.

"That's ok". My cell phone began to ring like crazy. When I picked up the phone there was absolutely no sound.

"Hello" I said I stuttered a little bit.

"Renesmee put Jacob on the phone right now" I was confused now

"Dad what's going on................." Before I could finish my sentence Jacob came over and took my phone out of my hand.

"What's going on?" Jake responded quickly. A few minutes passed and they were still having there conversation.

"Ok we'll be ready" Jake hung up and handed me my cell phone. His face was determined when he looked at me.

"I'm bringing you to Billy's cause I have to talk to the pack." I looked at him agitated

"What's going on Jake?" His face expression changed so now he looked like he was in pain but he kept going.

"Jake what the hell is going on?" I practically yelled it that time.

He stopped what he was doing trying to calm himself.

"Your parents will explain everything when they get here please just go get ready." I walked into our bedroom so I could get my Ipod off of my nightstand because Billy talks about boring stuff. So now with my Ipod I will have something to drown his voice out with.

"I'm ready" I headed to the car and he wasn't that far behind. When I sat down, I had a small contraction. My face pretty much showed how I felt and Jake saw it.

"It's going to be ok" I looked at him

"It's not that. I just had a small contraction." He started the car and held my hand as he drove to Billy's house.

"Your parents will explain everything when they get here please just go get ready." I walked into our bedroom so I could get my Ipod off of my nightstand because Billy talks about boring stuff. So now with my Ipod I will have something to drown his voice out with.

"I'm ready" I headed to the car and he wasn't that far behind. When I sat down, I had a small contraction. My face pretty much showed how I felt and Jake saw it.

"It's going to be ok" I looked at him

"It's not that. I just had a small contraction." He started the car and held my hand as he drove to Billy's house.

We arrived at Billy's house and here was sitting in his wheel chair on his porch waiting. Jacob got out of his seat and walked over to my side. He handed his hand out to me and I took it (he was helping me keep my balance).

"Hey kids." Billy announced.

"Hi dad" Jacob said as he walked us toward Billy.

"Don't worry Jake I'll keep an eye on her you just go tell everyone whats going on."

Jacob turned to face me and gave me a kiss good-bye before letting go of my hand. I followed Billy into his house and took a seat in his living room and turned my Ipod on.

Time passed and it went from being 10:30 in the morning to being 6 in the evening before Jacob came back and I ended up dozing off.

"Honey lets head home" he was shaking my arm gently waking me up and he just decided to pick me up and carried me to the car. "Your parents should be there by now." And sure enough there were two rental cars outside our house.

As we walked into our home everyone was sitting in the living room talking calmly. Of course Alice was the first to reach me.

"Oh My God! Look at you! You are so big!" She gave me a hug and kissed me on both of my cheeks. After Alice, Jasper came up and gave me a hug, then Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, and Carlisle. Then mom and dad came up to me.

"How are you doing honey?" Dad said as he kissed me on my cheek.

"Im fine just tired but what do you expect." I smiled and went to sit on the couch. Of course Jake sat down next to me and then everyone else made themselves comfortable. "So......." I looked over at everyone. "Whats going on?"

Hope you enjoyed it next chapter is going to be asking for opinions


Authors Note - please please please please please please don't write any more.... Thoughts in the comments below! Sorry that this fan fiction can't really be classed as 'The Words Worst' but it's hard to google. that without finding badly written, disturbing porn. Want that?

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