Chapter 14- The Solace Household.

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Finally, the door swung open revealing

A little girl? 

"Shinae!" a woman yelled. Will looked at me.

"Mommy, who's this?" the small five year' old said back softly.

Will grabbed on to my hand and tried to pull me away. His eyes said I can't do this. I stood my ground and I wouldn't let him leave. Please... let's go. He said silently. Man, it's as if we have telepathy.



"Shinae? Who is it?"

"Just two boys, one looks like us mommy, the other looks like death," she said. She ran back inside.

"Please, let me go." Will pleaded silently.

"No Will, had this been my mom you wouldn't have let me go either, I love you too much for that. "


"Who-" the door swung open wider revealing a woman with curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was fair and she was only a few inches shorter than me. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled. "William." she embraced him into a hug and Will melted into her arms, he let go of my hand to hug her back tighter. Tears were lingering in his eyes, "Now, now. Don't cry, he wouldn't want that." her eyes traveled over to me. "Hello, you must be one of Will's friends."

I was going to correct her but I kept my mouth shut. She held out her hand. "I'm Ms. Solace."

I held her hand gently and bent down as if I were bowing and placed a kiss on the dorsal of her hand. "Hello Ma'am. I'm Nico Di Angelo." I straightened- got gayer more like- and she pulled her hand back slowly, she looked at Will who's eyes seemed to pop out of his sockets.

"He's great! Where'd you find him?" she semi whispered to him. He went pink to the face.

"B-But, he's no-not like this.... he's evil, he is death." he said.

She smacked his arm softly. "Why can't you be like that?" Will opened his mouth to speak but his mom spoke before Will could. "Come on in." she ushered us inside. Will gasped as he saw all the decorations. I froze as I got flashes of my last Christmas with my family in my head. 

Mamma was dancing with Hades and I was playing with my mythomagic card with Bianca. Mamma and Hades laughed when the song ended and dad had mamma, Bia and I pose for a picture. He took the picture and kissed Mamma. I looked at the Christmas tree and laughed.

As I came back to reality my throat closed up making me unable to breathe. I was having a panic attack, shadows swirled in all direction, Will looked over at me quickly, I was leaning against the wall trying not to fall over. "Nico," he called out running to my side.

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