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Weeks had went by, they moved into a house not too far from their jobs and Song-i was starting to feel ill. She would wake up with morning sickness and craved a lot food.

She decided to take a pregnancy test. Three minutes felt like three years but it was time for the results.

She flipped the stick over. She gasped.


She happily cried. She and Jimin always wanted kids and their dream finally was coming true.

She waited till Jimin came home from work.

"Baby! I'm home." Jimin yelled.

Song-i ran downstairs and hugged Jimin.

"Hi baby," Song-i smiled and kissed Jimin's lips.

"I have a surprise for you." Song-i added.

She ran upstairs and grabbed the stick, she hid it behind her back and walked back down.

"Close your eyes." Song-i said.

Jimin chuckled but followed Song-i's orders.

She placed the stick in his hands and his eyes opened and looked down.

"Y-you're pregnant?" Jimin smiled.

Song-i nodded. Jimin started crying and kissed Song-i.

Eight months had went by quick, the Park's were having a girl and were struggling to pick a name.

"Babe, what about Gabriella?" Song-i asked taking a bite from her food.

"I like it, what about HaRin?" Jimin asked.

"I like that name better." Song-i smiled.

Park HaRin's due date was coming up soon. Just two more weeks and the little angel would be in this world.

Song-i was currently resting while Jimin was doing work in his home office. She shifted to her right side and felt wet. She sat up and saw the sheets soaked. Did I pee? Song-i thought.

She then felt painful cramps. Song-i gasped and yelled out for Jimin, "Baby! Babe! Want to meet your daughter?"

Jimin quickly ran to the bedroom.

"She's coming?!"

Song-i nodded. Jimin helped her up and grabbed the hospital bag and ran downstairs.

"You know I'm the one with your child right?" Song-i asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Oh right!" Jimin helped Song-i to the car and then drove to the hospital.

Not long after their arrival, Song-i was in the delivery room, in position to give birth.

"Ready to push?" The doctor asks.

"Yup, I'm glad I took the epidural." Song-i says making everyone in the room chuckle.

Song-i held Jimin's hand.

"Park Jimin, you did this to me!" Song-i yelled.

"You're the one who asked for more." Jimin said earning a glare from Song-i.

And two minutes later, Park HaRin was born, weighing 6lbs and 7oz.

"Here's your baby girl, do you have a name for her?" A nurse asked.

"HaRin, Park HaRin." Song-i said smiling, looking at her new baby girl.

"What a beautiful name, what does it mean?"

"Ha means summer, great, talented while Rin means female unicorn." Jimin said smiling at his family.

Jimin kissed his girls and sung them to sleep.

"And that's the story of us, our sad story with a happy ending." Song-i said to her 12 year old daughter.

"Wait, what's the happy ending?" HaRin asked looking at her parents who were beside her.

"You and your brother." Jimin said looking at his 4 year old son on his lap.

Later that night, Jimin wanted to tell Song-i something.

"Babe, can you believe we've been together for 13 years?"

"It's crazy. Thank you Jimin for fighting for us." Song-i smiles.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I'm glad I have a wife and two kids." Jimin said kissing Song-i's forehead.

"You're gonna have three soon." Song-i said.

Jimin hummed and then sat up quick.

"Again?" Jimin asked excitedly.

Song-i nodded and kissed Jimin.

"I love you Park Song-i."

"I love you Park Jimin."

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Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry if there are grammar and spelling mistakes :)

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