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Jimin had decided that to tonight was the night he'd propose to Song-i. He wanted to do a formal dinner at a restaurant that recently opened up.

They both ordered their dinner and talked about their future, like always. After dinner, Jimin got up and kneeled down.

"Kim Song-i. I'm so happy you're my girlfriend and I'm glad you forgave me and became my girl again. Thank you for sticking with me and never giving up on me. I love you so much. Will you marry me, baby?" Jimin asked, while holding the ring box.

Song-i was overwhelmingly excited and surprised.

She nodded, "Yes! A billion times yes!"

Jimin kissed Song-i and then put the ring on her finger.

After the engagement, they started planning for their wedding. They wanted to get married as soon as possible.

They chose the week after graduation and told Song-i's family at Jennie and Jackson's wedding.

Jungkook came up with the idea that Jimin and Song-i get married in his backyard since it was pretty big.

Song-i and Jimin chose Taehyung to marry them since Taehyung was their best friend.

It was now time. Jimin walked down the isle, then the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and then Song-i.

After the vows and exchange of rings, it was time for the kiss.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Taehyung said.

Jimin grabbed Song-i's face and kissed her lips. Their family and friends clapped and congratulated them.

For their honeymoon, they went to Maldives.

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Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry if there are grammar and spelling mistakes :)

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