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Winter break was finally over. Hana had wanted revenge but found a sweet guy instead and fell in love. Song-i didn't want to go to school since she hadn't talked to Jimin but she guessed that now was the time.

She had wanted to meet at the park. She picked out a hoodie and ran to the park. Song-i fumbled with her fingers while walking, she was nervous. She wondered how Jimin was doing, if he still loved her, if they'll ever be the same. She was thinking of flaking until she saw Jimin sitting on a bench.

"Hey Chim." Song-i said. Jimin looked up at her and stood up. She missed his face, his lips, his compliments, everything.

"Hey Song-i, how are you?" Jimin asked. Song-i placed herself on the bench.

"I'm better. How about-" Jimin had had enough and interrupted, "Look, I'm sorry for everything Song-i, Hana doesn't mean anything to me and I regret the times I spent with her. I still love you."

"Jimin, we can't go back to how things were but we can be friends. I can't forgive you now but that doesn't mean I won't ever forgive you. Just give me time." Song-i said, wiping a tear off her cheek.

"I'll be waiting for you, Song-i." Jimin said.

Song-i was dying to kiss his lips and tell him she forgives him but she didn't want her mother's life.

Song-i's father cheated on her mother and her mother forgave him not thinking he would do it again. But he did, again and again, and Song-i's mother always forgave him until her father lost feelings and left his wife and children.

Song-i did not want to forgive Jimin and have him cheat again. To Song-i, actions spoke louder than words.

"Want to get ice cream?" Jimin smiled. Jimin, I've missed your smile. Song-i thought.

"Sure." Song-i smiles back. I've missed you so much my mochi. Jimin thought.

The two walked to a close by ice cream parlor and caught up on all the things they missed out on.

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Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry if there are grammar and spelling mistakes :)

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