12. Epilogue 2

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I breathed through the contraction feeling the pain clamping around my body and hissed at the two men holding my hands "ahhhh, never again"
I was regretting the natural childbirth process, my rejection of pain medication, this bloody hurt.

Stone grimaced as my grip tightened but smiled through the pain at me "never again what baby?"
"Never" pant "Never" pant "Going" pant " to let you" pant "touch me" pant pant  "agaiiiiinnn" pant "Ahhh" I screamed at them as the urge to push hit me.

"Okay now Princess, you need to push on the next contraction" the doctor instructed me firmly and I glared at her.
"Puuuussshhhhh" i screamed as I pushed as told, my body expelling our first baby, a small cry filling the air and I lay back panting, watching Talon step forward to cut the cord and hold the baby "its a boy" he whispered gazing down in wonder as the nurse guided him to the examination table so she could check the baby over.

"Jago" I told him and he nodded.

I felt my body gearing up for the next contraction and groaned, alerting the doctor who checked me. "Good. Now Princess, you are ready for number two, try to breathe and when you feel it push"

Two contractions later I pushed out number two, stone releasing my hand and moving to the baby before River could take it, "Mine" I heard him say and River stepped back to allow him in, coming round to take my hand as Stone cut the cord and took the baby "Our daughter" he cried his eyes meeting mine in joy.

"Rosen" I cried and he nodded.

I lay back, knowing we weren't done yet but feeling exhausted already, River fed me an ice chip and kissed my head whispering words of praise and love. Talon and Stone bringing the babies up to show me, now they had been cleaned up little, their tiny bodies wrapped in coloured blankets their fathers had chosen.

I rode the next few contractions, cursing the cheery doctor who warned me this was just the babies getting in place ready and then it was time again.
Talon and Stone holding my hands with one of theirs as they held our babies with the other, River and Blaze waiting by the doctor.

"Push... Push... now" she instructed and I panted and pushed hard, panicking slightly at the lack of a cry, till the doctor called for a suction tube and then a wail filled the room, Blaze stepping forward drawn in by the tiny baby "a Boy" he tells us, unable to tear his eyes away from the child.
"Morgan" I said and he nodded

The urge to push hits hard and I do, barely giving them time to cut the cord and pass our son to Blaze before I'm screaming and pushing out baby number four, River waiting to meet them. "its a boy" he whispers, cutting the cord and taking the baby to be cleaned up.
"Taran" I whispered and he nodded.

I rest back exhausted but relieved glancing at our babies in their daddies arms, as the doctor and nurses bustled around checking me over and cleaning me up.  I knew we had a room full of people outside who were anxious to meet our new arrivals.  Family that would be there for us both emotionally and physically, but I wanted this moment to watch the bonds form between them.

When we had revealed the pregnancy to my Grandma's they had told me that each man had fathered one of the babies and they while they would feel a bond to all the children each would have a call to their own.  I smiled a tired smile now at the scene before me, watching the bond form and grow between each pairing.

As one they step forward bring our children to me and I feel the tears gather at the sight of them, love and family and a future we can all feel safe in.

The End...

AN: The babies names are taken from the 2019 list of most popular Cornish baby names.

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