8. The Prophet

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"You need to speak to the Prophet" Mathilde told us after River's angry words.

The silence in the room telling as all our eyes went to her. "You know who he is?" Chase asked amazed.
"Of course, there have been many discussion in this house about that man, his arrogance in his divine understanding, led to the destruction of an innocent family. He is an abomination, a power twisted greedy fool" she muttered.

"Mathilde, please his name?" Chase prompted.
"Gerard St.Germaine" she hissed as if just saying the name was disgusting.
"But, he's on TV" I splutter, recognising the name of a somewhat slimy TV presenter, who had as many followers as haters.

"How has it been kept secret he was the prophet" Stone questioned, looking as stunned as I felt. "That man would have crowed about this, surely, he would have wanted everyone to know he was it"

"He is scared to, after the council's reaction to the prophecy, a lot of questions were asked, people were very unhappy and calls for the prophet to be revealed and explain the prophecy were heard from all quarters, so he disappeared for a few years, till the furore died down and came back as he is now, but his role as the prophet is a well kept secret, the council protect him" Mathilde explained.

"Well at least we will be able to find him, he's a public figure, with a regular TV show, we just need some careful planning to corner him" Talon added.
"Or a portal" Chase added grimly.

"You are welcome to use the facilities here but I am not sure I trust all the staff, someone was telling tales about what your grandfather was doing and I fear its someone here. If you have a safe place, I would return there" Mathilde warned and Chase nodded.

"We will eat with you and then return home, Thank you Mathilde for all your assistance" Stone agreed, just as the maid entered to tell us the meal was ready.

Chase told us of his brief visit to faerie as we ate, My uncles and the consorts were still missing from court and gossip was still rife within the community. He had got our message about the visitors we had had before we left, and had checked in with his council contacts but had not yet uncovered why they were there, so once again we had more questions than answers.

After wishing Mathilde well, we returned to Tiana's cottage with Chase, we had plans to make, of how to get to the prophet and knew we would be safe there. The long and emotional day had finally got to me and I fell asleep on the sofa next to Blaze as they discussed options, waking briefly as he picked me up and carried me up to bed. That night my dreams were about Carnwennan, how she was forged and what she had seen, her time with Arthur and her promise to me

I woke to Stone and Blaze wrapped around me, and sounds of the other in the kitchen, stretching carefully, I wriggled free of them and headed for the bathroom. Showering quickly before heading downstairs leaving the boys sleeping, grinning at the picture they made rolled together into the space I had left.

"What are you grinning at baby" Talon teased, leaning in to kiss me good morning. I flashed the picture of the bed across my mind to the others and they laughed. "Come and eat" he said guiding me to a chair.
I felt the others awake as I tucked into breakfast and a little while later they joined us, kissing me before they sat down.

Chase cleared his throat "We have a plan, well two plans..." the boys exchange looks and I know they are not completely happy with the plans.
"Go on" I encouraged.
"The first is to find St Germains's whereabouts and retrieve him. I am hoping he will be able to tell us the prophecy so we can make some clarity of it, not the twisted tale that has been told. We know he is protected so we will need to work together to draw him out, this is where we have concerns, we are known to the council, you are not. We need to get close enough to pass him a message that tempts him away from his watchers"

"i'll do it, just tell me what to do" I look at them all "and don't worry, if it feels dangerous then I can fade away to safety. What else?"

"Once we have him and have found out what we can, we need to find your grandfather" Stone said pausing and Talon continued.
"We think your grandfather may be in the hands of the council. If he had been in Faerie, the queens would have been able to sense him and find him. But if the council have him then we are going to need to barter the prophet for him, we just hope its enough" Chase explained.

"And if it isn't?" I whisper.
"Then we will think of something else, but we will find him" River promised.

After eating breakfast the boys dispersed to start searching for the Prophets location and I sat with Chase in meditation. I could feel the whisper of Carnwennan at my side and drew strength from her support.

"He's doing a show in Oxford, some sort of reuniting families thing for his show, he's there at the theatre now and I've found a booking at the Hilton for him and his party, they are there till tomorrow, if we can get him tonight after filming..." Stone explains joining us.

"Can we be ready that quickly?" I ask, looking between him and Chase.
"After tonight where is he?" Chase asked.
"Nothing in his calendar for the next three days but he will be less accessible, then next week would be our next opportunity, he is filming in France" Stone tells us.
"Tonight then, I don't want to wait another week" I agree.

Chase had called a portal for us to Oxford, and we had discretely made our way into the hotel, the boys by the back door and I formally checked in with a cloaked Blaze silent at my side. I knew my room was immediately above our targets and I felt my nerves increase as the day went on, Chase had slipped down below and placed a camera and listening device so we could make sure he was alone before we took him, now we just had to wait for him to return. Once we had him we would portal directly back to the cottage.

We watched on the screen as he returned to the room, he had been drinking and he swayed as he crossed to the bathroom, muttering to himself.

"Now" Chase commanded and opened the portal, allowing us to step into his room. Talon and River leaning against either side of the bathroom doorway as we waited further back.

He stepped back into the room and frowned, and I stepped forward, just as Talon and River stepped up behind him to grab his arms.
"What the fuck, let me go, Do you know who I am?" he shouted, struggling in their hold.

"You are the Prophet, are you not?" I asked facing him, the others flanking me. I smiled darkly as he flinched at the name. "Surely, I should be asking do you know who I AM" I reply, sharpening my tone on the last word and his face turns white as he takes a good look at me.

He shakes his head in denial "No. No, you're dead" he mutters and I shake my head, watching as Stone gags him and we all touch, taking him through the portal to the cottage.

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