5. Danger

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After clearing up after ourselves, we ended up returning home with all the evidence we found. The boys surrounding me, as we slept together, each of them touching me in some way, making me feel secure and safe.

Chase turned up as we were cooking breakfast and Stone updated him on what we discovered so far, and our plans to visit the estate. Chase had been interested in the list of guilty names we had found and had given Stone information on those he had recognised, before telling us his news.

There had been an attack in faerie on the Queens, a bomb had been planted in the audience chamber but had been set off by a cleaner, it had been targeted at the queens audience with courtiers, from the news Chase had managed to get. Both queens were now in lock down and My uncles investigating who would do such a thing.

"They are blaming us, aren't they" I ask him and he nods.

"No one from the queens advisors are saying who you were, but the guards remember you visiting, and your uncles are saying it must have been you and have offered a reward for anyone who identifies you or turns you in" he explains.

I can feel the tension in my boys and ask the question we all want to hear "Will anyone identify us?"

Chase shakes his head, "No, the advisors are with the Queens and no one is talking, luckily no one really likes your uncles or their fathers way of doing things and they don't have the trust of the people either, if the Queens remain silent, everyone else will"

"What news of Underhill?" River asks and Chase scowls.

"He's cleaning house, so far everyone recorded as hearing the prophecy is dead, two of them in the last week, there are another three that have disappeared. The bounty remains on Octavia's head but there are rumblings within the community, that people are asking questions, as to why he wants her so badly"

"What can we do?" I ask.

"Find your grandfather, I'm convinced he knows something and will be able to help us, just be careful, I get the feeling we are not the only ones looking for him and the estate could be watched" Chase warns, getting up to go.

"I'll be in faerie for the next couple of days, try to stay out of trouble and stay together, you're stronger that way" he waves as he leaves.

Stone and River start pulling together the packs they want to take with us, yesterdays visit made us aware there are some basic necessities that can help us in our searches, whilst Talon and Blaze take me up to get showered and dressed and distract me.

Stone and River are waiting in the bedroom, when we emerge from the shower, I can feel their need through their block and hold out my hands to them, Talon and Blaze stepping back to allow their brothers access.

"Did they look after you baby?" Stone asked, stepping up close and staring down into my eyes.

Dropping my block, I let the memories of what we had been doing in the shower run through my mind, hearing the groans of Talon and Blaze behind me as I share what we did with the others.

"Oh, you naughty girl" River growls, twisting my hair in his hand and tipping my head back exposing my throat to Stone's ravenous mouth.

I can feel my body throbbing in anticipation, despite just having cum multiple times in the shower, I wanted more. "Please" I beg, held between the two of them.

River's thigh pushes between my legs, pressing my body tighter into Stone's, my clit pulsing In time with my heart.

Stones mouth goes lower, his teeth catching my nipples and nibbling them in painful pleasure as River's teeth mark my neck.

"Ahhee... pleasssee" I beg again and Stone picks me up, turning and tossing me onto the bed, following me down with his body and pinning me in place.

A flash of rope goes across my mind but Stone's kiss is my focus, until I feel my hands being drawn up to the head board and secured in place.


He looks down at me holding my eyes "Trust us baby, we know what you need" he tells me and I nod, allowing the thrill of what was coming to take hold.

I felt my legs being secured in the same way and shivered at the eyes watching me, Stone's body held above me on his strong arms, while River stood by my head. Talon and Blaze watching from the sides, their hands wrapped around their stiff cocks.

I lick my lips at the sight of them all, these were my men.

River groans freeing his cock and leaning over me, my head lifting and mouth opening to get to him, his hand cups under my neck, supporting me at the right angle and I suck him down, feeling powerful from the groans he releases.

I can feel Stone lifting away from me and flex my body up looking for contact but a slap on my pussy makes me freeze, waiting for him. I don't wait long, his long fingers dipping in between my pussy lips and spreading my juices, up and around my clit, before pinching it, making me gasp and swallow more of River.

"Again" River growls at Stone and he repeats the pinching, making me moan around River's cock, my throat massaging him as I swallow and suck around him.

I feel Stone move closer and his thrust into my body, pushes River deeper, almost cutting off my breathing and making my orgasm rush through me, keeping me balanced on a knife edge of desire as he and River set a rhythm. I can feel the edges of reality blurring as they both finally growl and come, the power between our bonds surging and tightening.

I giggled as they collapsed on the bed next to me, Talon and Blaze untying the ropes and massaging my wrists and ankles. "I love you" I tell them all as I curl into the centre of the bed, allowing space for all of us.

We lay there comfortably touching each other as we recover until their watches all alarm.

They move as a team, grabbing clothes as Talon rushes off to check the monitors.

"Get dressed baby" Stone tells me, in between, opening a safe in the wall, filled with gadgets and guns. He pulls down a bag and starts loading it.

"Who?" I whisper as I dress quickly.

"Talon's checking, but we are not expecting anyone, we need to be ready to leave, just in case" Stone tells me, passing the full bag to River, who places it at the door with the bags Blaze had brought up from downstairs.

"Council, it's a team of ten that I can see, usual formation, two approaching the front door, they are armed, so I doubt it's a social visit" Talon says coming into the room a tablet in his hand with all the monitors showing.

"Right, we need to get out of here, grab a bag" he orders before Stone turns to me "Baby, we need a portal to Tiana's cottage, we can use that as a base, before we go to the estate"

"Talon, get everything shut down"

I nod and focus on the portal, feeling River's hand in mine and Stone's on my shoulder as we all step through, a loud boom sounding, just as I close the portal behind us.

"What?" I ask, as the boys all laugh.

"They tried to use magic to get in, it just backfired on them" Blaze chuckles, sweeping me up into his arms and heading for the cottage, leaving the others to bring the bags.

This time round the cottage seemed more welcoming, offering me a feeling of safety, even though I knew there was danger all around us.

"Now what do we do?" I ask, from my place on Blaze's lap.

"We go ahead as planned, we visit the Penhaligon Estate and focus on finding your grandfather. We don't know why the council were at the house, I would think they now know, we were at the retreat, where you were last seen. I have let Chase know, and until we can confirm what they were doing there, then this is our base" Stone instructed and we all nodded.

"Okay, let's sort the bags and get ready, baby what do you need for the portal?"

"The photograph of the house" I whisper back nervously and he passes it to me.

Seek  (Book 2 of the Hide and Seek Duet - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now