Chapter Thirty-Eight

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If you haven't read Book 1 - A Chosen Love, please do as it is the 'pilot book' for the whole series...

Next Book in this series: 

The Frencolian Chronicles Book 3:

A Brother's Love

The account of the Black Plague and its effects upon Frencolia... The disappearance of King Leopold... The take-over of the kingdom by the treacherous Elliad... Tristan's return... And much more... so much more...

SEVEN books are now completed and I would love your encouragement and prayers to continue working to complete this series up to about Book 12.

The series so far:

Book 1 - A Chosen Love - Published here on Wattpad -

Book 2 - A Daughter's Love - Published here on Wattpad -

Book 3 - A Brother's Love - Published here on Wattpad -

Book 4 - Treasures - This Book -

Book 5 - Castles - Complete -

Book 6 - Kingdoms - Complete -

Book 7 - Secrets - Complete -

Book 8 - More Secrets and the Horse Race - in progress - first chapters will be published before the end of November 2019

Book 9 - Slaves - Flash-back time (in 'real-time' of Luke and Jobyna's parents, Louis and Elissa from their abduction from Frencolia, updated through the years to book 8.

Other book titles that have short outlines:

Choices °°° Challenges °°° Questions °°°

Battles °°° Memories °°° Celebrations

Companion Books

Villains of Valdemar: Elliad and John

Princess of Valdemar - Minette's story

The Forest Prince (revealing Luke's interest in a foreign girl - like his father, Louis, he falls in love during their first encounter)

This epilogue is on-going and will be updated as the books in this series are published on Wattpad.

MUCH MORE than just stories...

Map of the Kingdom of Frencolia —

This (above) Chapter will include updates. 

This epilogue is on-going and will be updated as the books in this series are published.

A Daughter's Love - Book 2 The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)Where stories live. Discover now