Chapter Thirty-Six

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Luke was asleep when Jobyna awoke and her cry seemed to come from somewhere inside his head.

But Boone was satisfied with the healing condition of Jobyna's injuries. Her recognition, first of him, then of Luke, also pleased him.

Luke kissed her cheek, wanting to hug her, but she cried out as he lifted his hands, "Don't touch me, Luke; don't!"

Both Chatelain and Luke were worried when Jobyna moaned of pain and stiffness in her neck but Boone agreed with Josh that this was to be expected. Boone would have fed her but the baron took the bowl and dipped the bread into the soup before bringing it to his beloved daughter's mouth. Her eyes were bright with interest, and she asked questions about her mother and the rest of the family.

As if wearied from the task of eating, Jobyna closed her eyes and slept.

Josh had prepared a draught but was most pleased that Jobyna did not need it.

He whispered in Chatelain's ear, "Maybe your son should drink this?"

With a gleam in his eye, Chatelain nodded. Luke's face was a strange gray-white color and the father knew that he was exhausted as well as shocked.

Luke slept, and Chatelain smiled, saying to Boone, "Our son would not make a very good soldier, and never a doctor." He thought to himself, I wonder what he will be? Our Luke?

The following day, to Luke's dismay, his father ordered that he return home. However, when Chatelain explained his reason, Luke realized the importance of his return. "Your mother will be worried sick. Boone is writing a letter to put her mind at ease. You must tell her how well your sister is doing." He realized Luke would find this part hard as the boy thought Jobyna's injuries to be horrific. "Tell her that she sleeps well and is not in great pain. We'll return as soon as Jobyna is well enough to travel."

Ten days advanced before Boone said Jobyna could return home. Josh agreed, she could travel if wrapped warmly, sitting sideways on the horse, in front of her father. The slower journey would take six hours.

Jobyna had been up and about, investigating the Border Castle. Boone encouraged her to write a note though shaky to her mother and the rest of the family.

She had been to the castle kitchen and tasted the variety of sprouts and vegetables grown by the monks in the small green house.

Chatelain was intrigued by the sprouts and asked questions, agreeing that new life from such seeds would indeed be energy giving and sustaining. That such delicacies could be grown through the winter with a minimum of work, was in itself a good fact to store in one's mind for future reference.

The day arrived when Boone announced that Jobyna was well enough to endure the journey home.


Chanoine was decorated with ribbons and flags, and huge bouquets of spring flowers. An atmosphere of festivity flourished brightly in the air. People dressed in their best garments and waited expectantly for the return of their beloved baron and his now famous daughter.

King Leopold, having ridden home to the capital two weeks ago, returned with his son and heir Prince Charles, to welcome their cousin, the baron, home from his abduction.

The amazing story of how Jobyna had rescued her father proved to be true and scores of people traveled from districts around, to catch a glimpse of the girl who survived the incredibly horrible injury of an arrow 'right through her chest.'

When the company rode into view, people ran to meet it, throwing flowers in the path of the horses. Jobyna was too tired to stir much, but smiled as she recognized some of the enthusiastic village children.

Elissa had paced across the courtyard, to the gate and back, so many times, that Mavis told her she would wear a track in the stones if she kept it up much longer.

King Leopold waited in the great hall and would come when Chatelain and his daughter rode across the moat bridge. Usually it was the king who was welcomed to the manor house.

Everyone knew that today was different; special.

Ellie waited up on the wall with her brothers, but at the first distant call pronouncing sight of an incoming company, she rushed down, announcing, "They're coming, Mother, they're coming! You can't see them for people, but they are coming! Listen to the cheers!"

Elissa expected Jobyna to be tired, and she embraced her with caution. Luke had told his mother how she hated to be touched.

Elissa's heart whispered a deep prayer of thanks, to have this precious daughter returned. What rejoicing for the family to be together again!

King Leopold presented a speech in the courtyard and before he concluded, cheering, shouting and clapping broke out, drowning his voice.

A great banquet had been prepared and the baron took control, requesting the large crowd of people to form a circle to hold hands. They stood shoulder-to-shoulder around the tapestry-covered walls of the great hall. Even King Leopold with his son Prince Charles stood and joined the circle.

Chatelain prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. It was a prayer that left no eye dry. Jobyna was the only one who sat, with her mother standing one side and Luke the other.

No one was surprised when Jobyna fell asleep before the meal was completed. Her father carried her upstairs, followed by Elissa who carefully put her to bed.

"I told Jobyna that you once had an injury to your shoulder and had to have stitches," Chatelain said. "I said that you would show her one day."

He embraced his wife gently, kissing her tenderly. "I love you, Elissa Chatelain, more, much more than ever before!"

"And I love you, Baron Chatelain, more and more, every day. I'm so thankful you're home! How precious you are to me; I never want to lose you again!"

Days passed before life at the manor house in Chanoine reverted to what was considered 'normal'.

The baron mused, "Is life, especially family life, ever —normal?"

This normality, however, did not last long, for with the first of the spring fairs in Frencolia, there came the most unwelcome horror —the arrival of the dreaded plague of death... 

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