Chapter Four

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Wringing her hands in anxiety, Elissa paced from the moat bridge to the front door of the manor house.

Louis distinguished his wife's mood as he approached the bridge. He muttered, "There the dragon waits." Mortified at these words, he wondered whatever prompted him to think such negative thoughts of his chosen love? How far apart they had grown, yet he was unbearably aware that this was not how he wanted it to be. That his wife was wrung out beyond measure was a great heartache to him. His children were growing up and he scarcely knew them, certainly not intimately. As the child cradled in his arms had revealed, she wanted a father who was at home, not just a name, but also a face and a heart. He smiled at the thought of ten children. As if five were not enough —but his wife was shouting—

"She's hurt isn't she! What happened?"

"No, she's all right, Elissa."

"Give her to me!"

With obnoxious persistence, Elissa dragged Jobyna from Louis' arms and headed into the manor house.

Sabin followed, trying to smooth and calm the turbulent waters. "The lass is tired," the servant answered the baroness' persistent questions. "Yes, the Master gave her some drink, that's the smell," and, "yes, Marm, the child was sick, but no, she wasn't hurt."

"Sabin!" Louis bellowed, and waited impatiently while the servant scampered back to his side. Composing himself, the baron issued orders, "I want all the children up to have breakfast with the king. That is, except Jobyna. Tell the baroness that I expect her to be present. We're leaving immediately after we've eaten." The baron's tone hushed, "You'll accompany us, Sabin. The king wishes to make a detour. He likes your presence, as your eyes can accurately view a greater distance than any other we know." Speaking louder, he said, "We'll head to Grior via Litton but you'll return here. Remind my wife that we'll be arriving back in Chanoine with the evangelist in about ten or twelve days time. I'll send a fore-rider with the final details."

Four children lined up with Elissa for the farewell. The baroness, choosing to seem cold and indifferent, avoided Louis' eyes as though they radiated a contagious sickness. Her husband had spoken about 'changes.' Elissa felt resentful.

Once Jobyna had been settled in her bed, Louis had accused his wife as though it was her fault; their children were unruly and undisciplined. The whole family would move to Kings Castle in Frencberg where he could have more input in their up-bringing. Louis and Marcus had already spent the best part of three summers there, receiving training as pages, part of the experience required for them to become knights. They had previously been taught to read and write, and during their time at Kings Castle, had learned the skill of writing messages in the Frencolian code. Both were learning sword-fighting skills, archery, horsemanship, and mastery of the joust.

"The responsibilities Louis and Marcus learned have been undermined by the time they spend here in Chanoine, acting and behaving like unruly rabble!" The baron flew into a tirade about the way Elissa allowed them to behave, playing childish games. Calming a little, he said, "Having concluded the winter months at home, the boys should have returned to Kings Castle, including Luke." He paused and waited in vain for his wife to meet his eyes.

"Neither Elissa nor Jobyna have been presented at Court. Queen Estelle is forever asking after you, Elissa, and the king's mother commanded that I don't return without the women of the family." As though to soften the blow, he added, "If there was some way I could be here with you, Elissa, I'd do my utmost to make it happen. But I'm Leopold's second heir—I hope you keep in mind, Elissa, our son Louis, is fourth in line to the Throne of Frencolia!" Still there was no response. He sighed in frustration, and commanded, "Just make sure all is ready when I return!"

Elissa stood stiffly, not responding when her husband kissed her warmly on the lips. Louis had ordered her, again, to have everything packed, and the move would be finalized when the evangelist came with him to Chanoine. They would leave after the man had preached his message to the villagers.

Elissa sighed. Kings Castle was not the answer for their family. She knew the answer but each day her prayers seemed further away from being fulfilled. Elissa watched the cavalcade move out through the gates and across the moat bridge. She sighed as the last soldiers rode out of sight. Clattering horses' hooves made her turn in surprise.

"LJ! Luke! Stop! Where are you going?" Elissa called as she ran towards them. To the mother's concern, the boys ignored her words, and disappeared across the moat bridge. Turning, Elissa remembered that Sabin had gone with her husband. Marcus and Ellie stood staring, waiting for her reaction. "Where are they going?" Elissa demanded.

Marcus spoke, "It's Luke's idea. They're going to follow Father to the crossroads. They've done it before. Luke won't tell us why. He says it's his and Louis' secret."

Ellie giggled and said, "They think the king has a secret place." She saw the dark frown on her mother's brow. Her rose-pink lips puckered into an unbecoming grimace.

Elissa cried, "Your father will be furious! It will confirm his anger with me for the boys' behavior. You shouldn't speak of the king's affairs. Go to your lessons. I'll send Felix to fetch the boys back."

With that, Elissa strode determinedly to the gate, unaware that Marcus and Ellie stayed to watch, amused to see their mother struggle with her skirts as she climbed the steps to the gatehouse.

The twins hurried into the house as their mother descended from the gate-house. Running upstairs, they watched from the library window until Felix and two soldiers rode out from the manor house stables.

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