But she and Casper aren't alone for long because not ten minutes later, Roger comes stumbling through the window hands first, cigarette hanging from his lips as he attempts to climb out.

"Thought I saw you come out here," he grins, sitting down beside her so his back is against the building.

"I'm fine," she nods, "How about you?"

"'m alright," he stretches, "Been a mad day, hasn't it?"

"It has," she agrees, grinning at him, "But Rog, you guys could get signed. You could get a record deal!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, hm? They might take one look at us and decide they want nothing to do with us."

Roxanne shakes her head, taking the cigarette from him, waiting for him to pull out his lighter so she can have the first puff. "It's going to happen," she smiles, "I can feel it."

"Oh well then, if Roxanne Taylor says that then it's bound to happen." he teases, plucking the cigarette from her fingers as she grins.

"Exactly, Rog. Have a little faith."

He pats his pockets before groaning, "Hang on, I'll be back."

And so for five whole minutes, it's just Rox, Casper and the stars, which she's a little bit surprised to see considering that they're in the city.

Roger returns with John, who bends down to give her a soft kiss before he sits down beside her and Roger leans back against the railing, watching them as they quietly bicker over who's getting to have the cat on their lap - John won.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" John looks down at Roxy as she speaks, making sure that she's talking to him before nodding.

"If that's alright."

She nods and Roger clears his throat, "Is that invitation open to all of us, Nessie or just Deaky?"

"Can all stay if you want," she shrugs, "But we get the bed."

"Dammit. Well, I'm having the couch. My back can't take another night..."

Both Roxanne and John look up when he trails off and she notices that he's looking at something down on the street. His shoulders are tense, she can see that even though he's wearing a jacket, "Rog?"

They watch as he tosses the butt of his cigarette off of the fire escape.

"Rog?" John asks, "Rog, what is it?"

Roxanne frowns when he storms back inside and scrambles up from where she's sat, peering over the to look down at the street.

And there was Alyssa. Kissing someone that definitely wasn't Roger.

"What is it?" John repeats and she feels his chest against her back as he too looks to where she's looking, "Oh."

"That, that..." Roxy trails off, hands clenching around the railing in front of her, "That bitch!"

She had the audacity to claim that he had been seeing someone...Roxanne turns and heads for the window herself, fully intending to go down there and give Alyssa a piece of her mind but before she can so much as raise a leg to climb back, in, John is wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her back.



"What do you mean no? Let me go!" his arms tighten a little around her and realising that he isn't going to do as she asks, Roxanne sighs, "Fine."

"The last thing Roger will want is you barging on down there," John says softly, pausing when they hear the blonde in question's voice from the street and it hurts Roxy to hear how hurt he sounds.

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (JoeMazzello!JohnDeacon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now