Chapter twelve- You're just beautiful

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*Skylers P.O.V*

I apply my mascara and throw it back into my make-up bag and look at the clock. It's 5 to 7, Shit he will be here in 5 minutes. I grab some shoes and this time I pick some black doc martins.

The plan was that Colby will come get me and  give me a ride to the fun fair, and the others already had a ride with either themselves or with someone else, so it would be just him and I.
Which was kind of intimidating, but I really had no choice. I haven't talked to him properly since that whole situation... so I hope it won't be too awkward.

I'm afraid Incase I'll say the wrong thing to him though, he makes me nervous and I might blurt out something stupid. Or else I will just want to jump on him and kiss the face off him... but hopefully that won't happen either... buttt if it does I won't be complaining.

I jump a little when the doorbell rings and I zip up the zip on the sides of my shoes.

"Coming!" I sing spraying some perfume on me before grabbing my bag, and begin to walk to the door.

I open the door and smile when I see him.

"You ready?" He says and smiles back to me, and I nod in response.

"Yup" I say and step out, locking my door behind me and shoving the keys into my back pocket.

"You look very nice" Colby suddenly says as we begin to walk down the hall, which made my cheeks burn up.

"Oh, thanks" I chuckle looking at him "you too"

He perks his lip up and presses the elevator button as we reach it.

We both step in and I look down at my shoes. Fuck, say something Skyler you're going to make it awkward bruh.

"So, do you like going on all the scary rides?" Colby asks me causing me to look up at him.

"Yesss, I love them, I literally love doing anything that gets my adrenaline going" I tell him and he chuckles

"What?" I frown and he shrugs

"I mean yeah, you sure do" he says trying not to laugh and i shake my head knowing exactly what he was on about, but I pretend like I didn't, just for my own humor.

We step out of the elevator and go to his car.

"What do you mean by that?" I question and he croaks.

"Well your adrenaline was pretty pumped the last time we—" he begins but I cut him off

"Okay, I get it" I laugh "you're so fucking immature"

"You love it though" he smirks, glaring at me and starts his car.

"Sure" I laugh putting on my belt as he drives off.

The car ride was actually fun. It wasn't awkward at all and I basically laughed the whole time at Colby's immature... but funny jokes. There was definitely still tension between us though, and by that I mean sexual tension. I mean I still wasn't over what he did to me yesterday ... and seeing him right in front of me just makes me feel queasy... again, the good kind of queasy, there's a good side of queasiness right? Eh, for me there is.

Falling for Colby BrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora