Chapter six- unbelievable

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Colby's P.O.V

I carry Skyler into the back of the Uber and place her in the middle, I sit in on one side of her as Tara sits on the other.

"I can not believe this happened" Tara says rubbing her head as I place a seatbelt over Skyler.

"There's sick fucks in the world" I mumble shutting the door of the car as we begin to drive off.

Skyler's head falls limp onto my shoulder and I sigh. I felt so bad for her, she's really small and petite so the drug probably feels extra worse for her. The world work in weird ways, she seems like such a lovely,sweet girl, and this happens to her. And also she's absolutely gorgeous ... but that's beside the point.

She mumbles something but I couldn't make it out because it was all slurred, I look down at her and see her eyes, opening and closing in a slow pace, tears falling from her baby blue eyes.

"Hey, Sky, you okay?" Tara asks her, rubbing her forearm.

"It just hurts" she breaths out, holding her stomach and I purse my lips, I wish I could just make that all go away.

"Here ye go guys, I hope your friend there will be okay" the driver says as we pull outside Tara's house.

"Thanks man" I say and unbuckle her belt and lift her out bridal style.

"Mhmm" she groans trying to turn
"Shh , you're alright" I hush and walk to the door as Tara unlocks it and I continue to walk in the house and over to the couch, gently placing Skyler on the couch. I pick up a pillow and place it under her head that I also had to lift up because she was so weak she could barely lift her own head up.

"Should we try to get her to drink some water or something?" Tara questions and I nod.

"Yeah it's probably best, she is still feeling hot" I say pressing the back of my hand against her forehead.

Tara hands me the glass of water as I kneel down to her level "Hey Skyler can you sit up? You need some water"

She opens her eyes slightly and gulps trying to push herself up on her forearms, her arms were shaking whilst doing so, so I grab her arm trying to help her up

"W-wait" She says quickly holding her mouth and my eyes widen

"Oh shit" I say and grab a bag that was on the living room table and hold it up to Skylers mouth as she spills her heart out.
She vomits for what feels like a good five minutes and then she takes a deep breath pulling back, wiping her wet eyes, she sighs.

"That's my moms favorite bag!" Tara wines and I chuckle
"It's better then her throw up being all over your couch" I say and she grabs the bag off my and scrunches her nose up
"Gross" She says shaking her head and throwing it into the bin.

I get up and grab a tissue to wipe Skylers mouth.
"Thanks" she breaths out, she looks a bit brighter after getting sick, less Pale.

"You feeling any better?" I ask and she nods her head

"A bit, I can feel my fingers again" She says wiggling her fingers around and I smile until she grabs her head.

"Oof, my head ain't better though"

"I don't know can you take anything for your head, it might mix with the drug and have a bad side effect" I tell her and Tara walks back in.

"Ohhh her eyes are open" Tara says smiling at Skyler "you Okay?"

"I'm fine" Skyler says with a slight smile, poor girl, she still looks happy when she's in severe ass pain. I swear if that guy ever shows his face in front of me again he is going to be a dead man. Fucking dickhead. And I probably know what your thinking ... why didn't we call the police? Well they wouldn't do fuck all and he would've got away with it by the time the police would've made it out to us anyway ... so there really wasn't any point.

"Here" I say handing her the glass of water and she takes small sips.

"I think you should go into bed" Tara says and Skyler nods.

"Yeah, I feel very sleepy" Skyler says and I take the glass of water out of her hand as she try's to stand up but falls back down on the couch.

"Wowww, shaky legs" she says.

"Maybe try taking your shoes off first" I smile bending down slipping them off, grabbing her forearm after as she tries to get up again.

She begins to walk and clenches my shirt with the opposite hand that I'm not holding and we make it into Tara's bedroom. I walk beside the bed and place her in it, covering her with a blanket as she curls up.

I perk my lips as she immediately closes her eyes and I begin to turn around to walk out but something stops me.
Grabbing my hand Skyler opens her eyes and looks up at me "Thanks Colby" she whispers and I send her a small smile. When she said my name I swear I got mad fucking chills bro ... eh ehm, nah nah.

"You're very welcome" I whisper back and I reach down, pecking her forehead. She is so adorable.

I look up to Tara's door as it creaks and I see Tara standing there.

"You can stay on my couch if you want, it's way too late to call a taxi, and my parents won't mind at all because they're gone for a few days" Tara tells me sitting on the bed next to Skyler, laying down and placing the covers over her.

"Eh, yeah I probably will, thanks" I say and look back to Skyler.

"I'll keep an eye on her Incase she gets sick in her sleep, don't worry I'll call you if she gets really bad and I don't know what to do" Tara sighs and I nod my head.

"Hopefully she won't have a massive headache in the morning" i say and Tara nods getting comfortable under the covers as she twists around.

"I know ..." she whispers looking over at her and she picks up a blanket and throws it at me.

"There's spare pillows in my wardrobe" Tara yawns and I go to her closet and take out a white pillow.

"Thanks ... night" I whisper and she waves bye to me as I leave her room and shut the door behind me.

I really hope Skyler will feel a whole lot better tomorrow, hopefully she won't get sick anymore and it will just be a slight headache.

I sit down on the couch and chuck my shoes off and wrap myself in the blanket and put the pillow under my head.

Jesus it's hot though ...

I sit up and take off my shirt and throw it on the floor and lye back down. I flick through my phone for a while until I became too sleepy to hold my phone up anymore and I feel myself drift off to sleep. I really hope she's okay ... she's , perfect.

(A/N) - A WHOLE CHAPTER WITH COLBYS P.O.V !!! Do you guys like when I do Colby's p.o.v or just like when I do Skylers ??? Or both? Let me know ! Anyway hope you liked it and if you did please vote :))) Ty for reading , byeee <3

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