Gotta Fix Something

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Harley chuckled excited and felt the warm air hitting her face, along the smell of burning houses filling her nose and making her cough a bit. The sight from the rooftop was incredible, the fire brigade was struggling to rescue the many citizens from the streets and houses.

"It's awesome here!" She cheered as Black Seven walked out the door behind her, his green eyes didn't seem to notice the smile on her face as he gestured the two henchmen of his to leave them alone. "And the's amazing!" Harley stared at the flames emerging from the lower stories of a skyscraper.

Black Seven looked down at the rooftop, caught up in his thoughts about this entire plan. 'I'm so close!' He thought and felt a creepy smile making its way over his face, dangerous and unable to be stopped - yet hiding what he was thinking about. 'I have to do it, there's no time for feelings here!'

His eyes were full of murderous thoughts as he looked up at Harley. 'The quicker I get it over with, the sooner I'm going to see Joker's dumb face. And that will be worth it!' Black Seven's right hand tightened around a Swiss Army knife in his black coat while the spikes sending out electric shocks scratched over his neck. He walked over to Harley with a smile that hid his intentions and he wrapped his right arm around her neck, hiding the knife in his fist.

"Harley, sweetie." The sound of his voice let her turn her head to him with a small grin. One last time Black Seven questioned what he was going to do. Was it right? Did his goal justify this? His thumb released the sharp blade of the knife and he blinked, finally pushing away the last doubt.

"Do you wanna hear a joke?"


'Where the hell is Blacky located?' Joker wheezed as he kept following Clayface, King Shark and the other criminals who carried Batman, hoping they'll lead him to Black Seven. 'Have been walking for an hour and a half, I'm too tired for this walk.'

The feeling of warm liquid running down his body made him look down to where Batman had stabbed him with a batarang before. He sighed annoyed as he saw fresh blood soaking his clothes and dropping down on the floor. 'Note to self, never buy cheap threads again.' Joker thought as he lifted up his shirt again. 'Fucking Walmart.'

Suddenly, the stinging pain inside his head returned and made him squint his eyes and he knew no other reaction than to slap his face so hard that Joker's head actually felt numb and the pain wore off for some time. 'Bleeding from a five inch deep wound that may affect my lung and headache that makes me wanna smash my own skull with a hammer.' He pushed his hand against his ribs and tried to stop the bleeding. "I hate Mondays."

"Tell me about it."

Joker immediately turned his head towards a tall woman with red hairs and sighed, more disappointed than scared. "Awesome. Now I'm gonna get captured by a walking palm tree." Rolling his eyes, Joker glared at Poison Ivy while he groaned in pain and leaned against a wall. 'I'd rather kill myself than letting her bring me to Blacky.'

Poison Ivy stared back at Joker and tilted her head while she grabbed a small bottle containing a light green liquid and looked down at it. "You know, I'm risking my life if I help you." Again, she looked at Joker who chuckled and let himself slowly slide down until he sat on the ground with a smile. "Then don't. I don't need your help anyway."

Pamela rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh as she opened the bottle. "This might sting a bit. Don't scream." She waited for Joker to scoff, the only sign of his to agree with it before she poured a small amount of it over his wound after he pulled up the shirt a bit and took his blood covered hand off the wound.

The second the liquid touched Joker's flesh, he widened his eyes and pressed his jaws together. "Motherfucker, that bullshit burns like fucking chili powder!!" He screamed as quiet as possible and shook his head again as the headache returned. 'When this is over, I'm gonna jump into a jigsaw, will be less painful.'

"God, man up, little baby!" Poison Ivy stopped and closed the bottle as she watched Joker getting used to the pain. From she way he was shaking she could tell he had that brain-issue again. But he was smiling and giggling as he stared over to a small coffee shop across the ally. His heavy breathing was almost louder than the suppressed scream before and Pamela started to imagine what it must feel like, knowing there would be a tumor growing inside one's brain. And the pain, of course.

'I wanted to help him, he said no. His fault...' She just tried not to feel sorry for him but decided to look around before she sat down as well. This day has been rough but it wasn't over yet, a little break would be just the right thing.

"Why are you even here?" Poison Ivy tried to change the subject and saw something dark coming out of Joker's eyes and rolling down his cheeks. 'Is that blood? Or am I going crazy?' She quickly looked aside and played with a small stone on the ground, just because. "I mean, I would have thought you'd have left the city after Black Seven said he'd kill you."

Joker only heard Poison Ivy's voice dull through the pain in his head but somehow managed to open his mouth for an answer. At this point, he didn't even know if actual sound came out of it or if he was just mouthing the words. He didn't even really know what he was saying as all he could think about was lasagna at the moment. 'That's how the guy with the hell toupee must feel.'

"You wanna know the truth or a side-joke?" He asked and turned his head over to Red as his visualization started to fail and his world became a blood red look. "Y'know, I'm just gonna make this short." Joker's fingers moved over the wound between his ribs and he noticed it stopped bleeding. 'At least something.'

"You won't believe me, but I actually made a mistake some time ago." Some more blood ran out of his eyes as Joker slowly stood up. "And I'm gonna go fix it." Poison Ivy blinked at his mouthed words, he obviously didn't know if he was speaking but started to stand up with his legs slightly shaking under his weight or just exhaustion, she couldn't tell.

Not sure if he could even hear her, Ivy grabbed his right arm and tried to prevent him from falling down. But instead of keeping on moving, Joker suddenly froze, his eyes opened so wide it looked like they were about to jump out of his skull. His palms were against the wall and blood was coming out of his nostrils and mouth while he shook in pain or whatever it was that made his body go that crazy.

"Joker, can you hear me?" Pamela asked and stared at him in the darkness, still holding his arm in case he couldn't stand anymore. 'Calm down, Pam, it might just be a shock. Don't panic, he's alright.' She thought but didn't receive any reaction besides his confused look, as if she wasn't there and he stared right through her.

Joker felt his heart racing and the immense pain numbing his body. He heard a voice but didn't really see a single damn thing. 'Pull yourself together, you still have a job to do, also, don't let anyone see you're sick.' He took a view deep, slow breaths, spit out blood and wiped the rest off his cheeks before he shook his head and straightened his back.

"Thanks for that green...something." Joker chuckled and yawned as he started to see clear again. "But I've gotta go, have to keep up with my schedule." The bleeding of his eyes stopped and Poison Ivy just stared at him in total confusion about his fast recover. "That...I actually wanted to tell you that I wanna help you getting to Black Seven, I know where he is. And...Harley, she's..." Red didn't know how to tell him but before she could continue, Joker smiled and scratched his neck.

"...gonna get killed, yeah, I know." A gun in his left hand, he tilted his head and looked around. "That's why I wanna talk to Black Seven. It's something like a family meeting, if you will." Joker ran his right hand through his hairs and quietly laughed. "Now, where's my fucktard of so...friend?"

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